kaart; s. m. a card; pl. -yn.
kaart; s. m. a quart; the weight of 7lbs. of wool; pl. -yn.
e chaart; his quart. K
nyn gaart; s. your, &c. quart. K
kaart; v. card; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys. 88.
chaart; v. did card. K
kaartey; v. carding.
e chaartey; v. his carding. K
kaartee; a. d. of carding, or to card.
kaartit; 85. carded.
kaarteyder; s. m. a carder; pl. -yn.
kahngyr; s. f. a cancer; pl. -yn.
kail; s. f. cole, cabbage, colewort.
yn chail; s. the cole or cabbage. C.
nyn gail; s. your, &c. cole or cabbage. K
bwilleen-kail; s. f. a cabbage; pl. -yn.
far-chail; s. f. weed or weeds.
kairdee; s. f. a smithy, a forge; pl. -yn.
nyn gairdee; s. your, &c. smithy; pl. -yn. K
kairdagh; a. d. of a smithy or smithery.
kairdeeys; s. f. smithery or smith craft.
kalk; v. calk, stop, the leak of a ship or boat; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys. 88.
cha galk; v. not calk; -agh; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms; -ys, 94.
kalkey; v. calking, stopping leaks.
nyn galkey; s. our, &c. calking.
kalkit; 85. calked.
kalkeyder; s. m. a calker; pl. -yn.
kalkin; s. m. a calking iron; pl. -yn,
Kargys; s. f. Lent, forty days before Easter set apart by the Church for fasting. Is the word from kiar (provide), and gys (to)? —to provide for that festival; or is it from kiare (four), and jeih (ten)? —the number of days it contains.
yn Chargys; s. the Lent. K
karr or karree; v. mend, repair; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys. 88. Kerree [‘punish’] is in Isaiah lxi. 4, for repair, when it ought to have been karree: As troggee ad ny shenn tholtanyn, kerree ad traartys ny shenn earishyn, as coamree ad reesht ny ard-valjyn treigit, traartys ymmodee sheelogheyn. And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.
my charrys; v. if shall, &c. repair. K
charree; v. did mend or repair. K
karragh or karraghey; v. mending, repairing.
er charragh or charraghey; v. hath, &c. repaired and mended. K
karrit; 85. repaired, mended. [Kerrit] is in Josh. ix. 4, for mended or repaired where it ought to have been karrit: Hie ad gys obbyr dy cooishagh, as lhig ad orroo hene dy ve chaghteryn reeoil, as ghow ad shenn saick er nyn assylyn, as siyn-feeyney, shenn, raipit, as kerrit. They did work wilily, and went and made as if they had been ambassadors, and took old sacks upon their asses, and wine bottles, old, and rent, and bound up.
s’karrit; a. how mended or repaired. K
feer charrit; pt. 6. very much repaired or mended. K
karreyder; s. m. a mender, &c. pl. -yn.
kart; s. f. a cart; pl. -yn.
yn chart; s. the cart. K
nyn gart; s. your, &c. cart;; pl. -yn. K or C
kartey; v. carting.
kartit; 85. carted.
s’kartit; a. how carted. K
cart-harnee; s. f. a cannon.
kart; v. muck rake; -agh, 77; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys. 88.
chart; v. did gather or rake mire; -agh; -aghey; -ee; -ey; -in; -ins; -it; -ym; -yms; -ys, 94.
kartey; v. raking muck or mire.
kartit; 85. muck raked.
s’kartit; a. how raked with a coal-rake. K
karteyder; s. m. a gatherer of muck or mire.
kay; s. f. mist, fog; pl. -ghyn..
yn chay; s. the mist or fog.
nyn gay; s. your, &c. mist. K
kayeeagh; a. misty, foggy.
s’keayeeagh; a. how misty, comp. and sup. K
feer chayeeagh; a. very misty, &c. This word is used by aged Manks people when they wish for particular weather at the approach of the different seasons of the year; as, arragh chayeeagh; sourey ouyragh; fouyr ghrianagh; as geurey rioeeagh: [a misty spring, a gloomy summer, a sunny autumn and a frosty winter]. K
kayid; s. m. mistiness, fogginess.
yn chayid; s. the mistiness. K
kayt; s. m. a cat; pl. kiyt.
yn chayt; s. the cat. K
nyn gayt; s. your, &c. cat. K
keiyt; s. pl. cats; the pl. of kayt.
e cheiyt; s. pl. his cats. K
nyn geiyt; s. your, &c. cats. K
crow-cheyt; s. f. the herb bird’s foot.
kaytlag; s. f. a cat fish; pl. -yn.
yn chaytlag; s. the cat fish. K
kease; s. f. buttock, ham.
yn cheays; s. the ham or buttock. K
nyn gease; s. your, &c. buttock. The pl. is in 2 Sam. x. 4: Shen-y-fa ghow Hanun sharvaantyn Ghavid, as ren eh baarey yn derrey lieh jeh ny faasaagyn oc, as yiare eh jeu nyn goamraghyn ’sy vean, kiart rish nyn geasyn, as lhig eh’n raad daue. Wherefore Hanun took David’s servants, and shaved off the one half of their beards, and cut off their garments in the middle, even to their buttocks, and sent them away. K
keayn; s. m. ocean, sea.
yn cheayn; s. the ocean, the sea. K
nyn geayn; s. your, &c. ocean or sea. K
keayin; a. d. of the sea or ocean.
blest keayin; s. m. a sea blast.
ynsagh-keayin; s. f. navigation.
keayn; v. cry, weep; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys. 88.
cha geayn; v. not cry; -agh; -ee; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms; 94. K
cheayn; v. did cry, or cried; -agh; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms; -ys. K
keayney; v. crying, weeping.
caayney; v. braying; Job xxx. 7: Mastey ny tammagyn ren ad caayney; fo’n undaagagh v’ad er nyn lostey. Among the bushes they brayed; under the nettles they were gathered together.
nyn gaayney; s. your, &c. braying; <Job xxx. 7>[see above].
nyn geayney; s. your, &c. crying, &c. K
er cheayney; v. hath, &c. cried, K
keaynit as; 85. cried out.
keayneyder; s. m. a crier, one that cries; pl. -yn.
keayrt; adv. once, one time; pl. -yn.
un cheayrt; adv. once, one time. K
keayrt dy row; adv. once on a time.
keayrt elley; adv. one time more.
keayrt ny ghaa; adv. many a time.
keck; s. m. the excrements or dung of any animal; pl. -yn.
keck; v. dung; -agh, 77 -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys. 88.
cha geck; v. not dung, or go to stool; -agh; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms, 94. K
check; v. 6. did dung, dunged; -agh; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms; -ys, 94. K
keckit; 85. dunged.
keckagh; a. excrementitious.
keckeyder; s. m. a voider of dung; pl. -yn
kecksee; s. m. one that is besmeared with excrements, a dirty fellow.
cheddin; a. same; wheesh cheddin (so much); choud cheddin (so far); aght cheddin (likewise).
myrgeddin; adv. also, likewise, in like manner.
keead; s. an hundred; pl. -yn
un cheead; s. 6. one hundred.
nyn geead; s. your, &c. hundred; pl. -yn. K
keeadoo; a<dv>. hundredth.
yn cheeadoo; a. the hundredth. K
nyn geadoo; a. our, &c. hundredth. K
keeagh; s. f. breast or pap [OED: A woman's breast or (now rare) nipple], the breast that gives milk; pl. -yn.
yn cheeagh; s. the breast or pap. K
nyn geeagh; s. your, &c. breast. K
kee; a. d. of breast milk.
ben chee; s. a woman that gives suck. K
ben-chee; s. f. a woman that gives suck.
boandyr kee; a wet nurse.
keeaght; s. m. a plough; pl. -yn.
yn cheeaght; s. the plough. K
nyn geeaght; s. their, &c. plough. K
kione keeaght; s. a plough head.
keeak; s. m. a cake; pl. -yn.
yn cheeak; s. the cake. K
nyn geeak; s. your, &c. cake. K
keeayll or keeaill; s. f. sense, wit; pl. -yn.
yn cheeayl; s. the sense. Prov. “Keeayl chionnit yn cheeayl share, mannagh vel ee kionnit ro gheyr.” [Bought wit is the best wit, if it be not bought too dear.] K
nyn geeayl; s. their, &c. sense or wit. K
keilley; a. d. of sense or wit.
e cheilley; s. [of] his wits. K
nyn geiley;
a. d. of your, &c. sense or wit. Ec
kione nyn geiley (at their wits end). K
Prov. “Kione mooar er y veggan cheilley, as kione beg gyn veg edyr.
Towse cheilley rish.” [A big head on the little (of wits), and a little
head with none at all. Measure sense with it.]
merre-cheilley; s. f. deadness of wit or sense.
keeayll-vairey; s. f. mother’s wit.
bun-cheeayl; s. m. a moral; pl. -yn.
mee-cheeayl; s. f. silliness, simplicity, nonsense.
mee-cheayllid; s. m. silliness, simpleness.
keeayllagh; n. sensible, witty.
s’keeayllagh; a. how sensible or witty. K
s’keeayllee; a. id., [comp. and sup.,] 58.
feer cheeayllagh; a. very sensible or witty. K
mee-cheayllagh; a. silly, simple, nonsensical; s. m. a wantwit; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
neu-cheeayllagh; a. unwary unwittingly.
raa-keeayllagh; s. m. a maxim, an adage.
keeil; s. f. jaw, jamb, side or cheek.
yn cheeil; s. the jaw, the jamb or side of a place; as, keeil dorrysh (the cheek or jamb of the door). K
nyn geeil; s. your, &c. jaw; pl. -yn. K
keeilley; a. d. of the jaw or cheek; caigney-keeilley (chewing the cud). Though in common conversation we say caigney keerey. [see keeir]
cheeilley; a. d. of the jaw. K
keeil çhiollee; s. hearth side, or fire side.
keeil doarlish; s. side of the gap.
keeil dorrysh; s. side of the door or door side.
keeill or keeihll; s. f. church, kirk.
yn cheeill; s. the church. K
nyn geeill or geeihll; s. your, &c. church. K
kialteenyn; s. pl. churches.
e chialteenyn; s. his churches. K
nyn gialteenyn; s. your, &c. churches. K
killagh; a. d. of a church; Prov. Cha boght as lugh killagh [As poor as a church mouse]; and, Clagh ny killagh ayns kione dty hie wooar. [A stone of the church be in thy big house, i.e., the kitchen.] This was once thought the greatest curse.
recortys-killagh; s. f. church register.
cheeillagh; a. d. of the church. K
killey; a. d. near the church, but not belonging to.
cheilley; a. d. of the church. K
keilleig; s. f. an enclosure belonging to a church or chapel; pl. -yn.
keeir; s.
yn cheeir; s. the cud. K
caigney keerey; [See caigney-keeilley.]
keeir; a. a dark colour, the natural colour of what is called in English a black sheep.
keeirey; a. pl. sable, dark, blackish.
s’keeir; a. how dark coloured, sable. K
s’keeirey; a. id., comp. and sup. K
feer cheeir; a. very misty or dark; <as,>
cheeir yn oie orrin, (the night darkened on us). K
keeirit; 85. made dark or black; vel yn oie keeirit ? (is it night fall, or is the night as dark as it will be)?
keeir as gorrym; s. m. blue and the colour keeir mixed in wool being spun and wove into cloth is so called.
keeir-lheeah; s. m. those two colours of wool spun and wove into cloth are so called, and which was formerly the garb generally worn by the Manks peasantry.
yn cheeir-lheeah; s. the russet, or dark gray woollen cloth. K
keeiragh or kayragh; s. the darkness of the night, between day and night, or night fall. Is this word from kay (mist)?
yn cheeiragh; s. the night fall. K
keek; s. m. a peep; pl. -yn.
keek; v. peep; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys. 88
keekeyder; s. m. a peeper; pl. -yn.
keep; s. m. a sort of strong grass of the bent kind.
keesh; s. f. tax, fee, tribute; pl. -yn.
yn cheesh; s. 6. the tax or due. K
nyn geesh; s. your, &c. tax or tribute. K
thie keesh; s. m. a custom house.
keeshagh; a. tributary.
s. fortnight; pl. -yn. Prov.
“Three kegeeshyn dy chegeeshyn slane,
Ta voish laa’l Thomys sy Nollick gys laa’l Breeshey Bane.” [Three
fortnights of fortnights whole; these are from St. Thomas’ Day in Christmas to
White St. Bridget’s Day.]
yn chegeesh; s. 6. the fortnight. K
nyn gegeeish; s. your, &c. fortnight. K
keil or keill*; v. conceal, hide, secrete; -agh; 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys. 88.
cha geill* or geil; v. not conceal or hide; -agh; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms. K
cheil or cheill*; v. 6. did conceal or hide; -agh; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms; -ys, 94. K
keiltyn; v. concealing, secreting, &c.
er cheilltyn; v. hath, &c. concealed. K
nyn geiltyn; v. your, &c. concealing, &c. K
keillit; 85. concealed, hid. secreted.
s’keillit; a. how concealed or hid. K
ro cheillit; pt. too concealed or hid. K
keilleyder; s. m. a concealer, a hider, purloiner.
keilleig; s. a fish called kellack or kellag [neither is in OED or EDD; probably Manx English, from Manx]; pl. -yn.
yn cheilleig; s. the kellag. K
keim; s. f. amble an ambling pace; Prov. “My ta keim sy laair, bee keim sy lhiy.” [If there is an amble in the mare, there will be an amble in the colt.]
keimagh; a. able to amble.
keimeragh; ambling, pacing.
keint; s. m. kind, sort, species, somewhat like.
yn cheint; s. 6. the sort, the kind. K
nyn geint; s. your, &c. kind, sort. K
keird; s. f. trade, employment, occupation, business; pl. -yn.
yn cheird; s. the trade. K
nyn geird; s. your, &c. trade. K
keirdey; a. d. of a trade, or business.
cheirdey; a. d. of a trade or trades. K
keirdagh; s. m. a tradesman, a craftsman; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee]; 2 Kings xxiv. 14: As hug eh lesh ooilley Jerusalem ersooyl, as ooilley ny princeyn, as ooilley ny deiney niartal caggee, eer jeih thousaneyn cappee, as ooilley ny keirdee, as ny gaauenyn. And he carried away all Jerusalem, and all the princes, and all the mighty men of valour, even ten thousand captives, and all the craftsmen and smiths.
keirn; s. m. the round [sc. rowan] tree, the mountain ash, a berry of its fruit.
yn cheirn; s. the mountain ash. K
keirn; s. m. a kind of bird.
keish; a. obese, fat; s. f. a fat pig.
yn cheish; s. the obese, the fat. K
keishid; s. m. obeseness, fatness.
keiyn; a. kind, delicate, &c.; Prov. xxix. 21: Eshyn ta dy keiyn troggal e harvaant veih e aegid, gowee eh er dy ve e vac ec y jerrey. He that delicately bringeth up his servant from a child shall have him become his son at the length.
dy keiyn; adv. kindly, delicately; [L]am. iv. 5: Adsyn va beaghey dy keiyn, t’ad treigit ayns ny straïdyn: adsyn va coamrit lesh scarleod t’ad lhie er ny torranyn. They that did feed delicately are desolate in the streets: they that were brought up in scarlet embrace dunghills.
keayn; adv. kindly or kind.
feer cheiyn; a. very kind, or kindly. K
kelk; s. m. chalk; pl. -yn.
yn chelk; s. 6. the chalk. K
nyn gelk; s. your, &c. chalk. K
kelk; v. chalk; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87.
kelkal or kelkey; v. chalking.
kelkit; 85. chalked, scored with chalk.
kelkeyder; s. m. a chalker; pl. -yn.
kellagh; s. m. a cock. [pl. 71: change -agh to -ee]. The males of many fowls are called kellagh; as kellagh guiy (a gander); kellagh tunnag (a drake); kellagh ny keylley (a woodcock); but if none of those are mentioned with kellagh, the male of the hen is understood.
yn chellagh; s. the cock. K
nyn gellagh; s. your, &c. cock; pl. 71. K
kellee; a. d. of a cock or cock.
chellee; a. d. 6. of the cock or cocks. K
kellagh; s. m. a wooden anchor with a stone in it. [pl. 71: change -agh to -ee].
kemmyrk; s. f. refuge, protection.
yn chemmyrk; s. 6. the refuge. K
nyn gemmyrk; s. your, &c. refuge. K
kemmyrkagh; s. m. a refugee, one who stands in need of refuge or protection; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
yn chemmyrkagh; the refugee; pl. 71. K
kenjal; a. kind, benevolent, mellow.
s’kenjal; a. how kindly, mellow. K
s’kenjaley; a. id., comp. and sup. K
feer chenjal; a. 6. very kindly, or mellow. K
neu-chenjal; a. unkind, not kindly.
kenjallys; s. m. kindness, benevolence, kindliness.
e chenjallys; s. his kindness, gentleness, benevolence. K
nyn genjallys; s. your, &c. kindness. K
kenjallys-graihagh; s. m. loving kindness.
e chenjallys-graihagh; s. his loving-kindness. K
kennip; s. f. hemp; pl. -yn.
yn chenip; s. 6. the hemp. K
nyn genip; s. your, &c. hemp. K
kennipey; a. d. hempen, of hemp.
genipey; a. pl. (sic) hemp; a. d. of hemp. K
keoie; a. wild, mad, in a rage, not tame.
s’keoie; a. how wild or mad. K
s’keoiey; a. id., comp. and sup. K
feer cheoie; a. 6. very wild, mad, or in a rage.
eaghcheoy; s. f. sciatic, rheumatism [lit. ‘mad horse’].
keoieid or keoieys; s. m. wildness, &c.
e cheoieid; s. his wildness, &c. K
nyn geoï-id; s. your, &c. wildness, &c. K
er keagh; a. (from keoï), wild, raging.
goaill cheagh (sic); v. getting mad or in a rage. K
keoyeeagh; a. fulsome [OED fulsome A4b: Offensive to the sense of smell, foul-smelling, rank. Also: strong-smelling, pungent], musty.
feer cheoyagh; a. very fulsome, or musty. K
kerçheen; s. f. m. a cullion [OED: As a term of contempt: A base, despicable, or vile fellow; a rascal], a cringe, an underling, a very dependent being; pl. -ee.
yn cherçheen (sic: stress); s. the underling or cullion. K
kerçheenagh; a. servile, cringing, mean, dependent, cullionly, slavish, base.
feer cherçheenagh; a. in a very cullionly manner. K
kerçheenys; s. f. the act of doing the meanest actions for hire, mean dependancy, slavishness, base, meanness.
e cherçheenys; s. his cullionness. K
kere or khere; s. f. a comb, wax; pl. -yn, or -nyn; <Psalm xix. 10>[see kere-volley below].
keer; See kere.
yn chere; s. the comb.
nyn gere; s. your, &c. comb. K
kere-volley; s. f. honey comb, or rather a sweet comb; as the volley here comes from millish; [Psalm xix. 10: Ny smoo t’ad dy v’er nyn yeearree na airh, dy jarroo, na mooarane airh ghlen: ny s’miljey neesht na mill, as y khere-volley. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey, and the honey-comb.]
kere; v. comb; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys. 88.
cha gere; v. not comb; -agh; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms. K
chere; v. did comb; -agh; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms; -ys. K
kerey; v. combing, teasing, hackling [OED hackle v.2: To prepare (flax, hemp, etc.) with a hackle or hackling machine, splitting, straightening, and combing the fibres in preparation for spinning].
dy cherey; v. to comb, to tease, or hackle. K
kereit or keret; 85. combed, teased, &c.
s’keret; a. how well teased or combed. K
kereyder; s. m. a comber, teaser, &c.; pl. -yn
yn cher<er>eyder; s. the comber, the teaser. K
kerr or kerree; v. punish; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys. 88. Kerree is in Isaiah lxi. 4, for repair, when it ought to have been karree [q.v.].
cha gerree or gerr*; v. not punish; -agh; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms. K
cherr* or cherree; v. did punish; -agh; -in; -it; -ym; -yms; -ys, 94. K
kerraghey; v. punishing, taking vengeance.
kerrit; 85. punished. This word is in Josh. ix. 4, for mended or repaired where it ought to have been karrit [q.v.].
s’kerrit; a. how punished. K
kerraghey; s. m. punishment, vengeance; pl. 69 [change -ey to -yn].
e cherraghey; s. his punishment. K
nyn gerragh or gerraghey; s. your, &c. punishment.
kerreyder; s. m. a punisher; pl. -yn.
kerrin; s. m. a square of anything, a pane.
kerrinyn; s. pl. the pl. of kerroo and kerrin.
kern-riaghyl; s. m. a square; pl. 76 [viz. kern-riaghil].
kesh; s. f. froth, foam; pl. -yn.
yn chesh; s. the froth or foam. K
kesh; v. froth, foam; - -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys. 88.
cha gesh; v. not froth or foam; -agh; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms, 94. K
chesh; v. did froth or foam; -agh; -in; -ins; -it; -ym; -yms; -ys, 94. K
keshal; v. frothing, foaming, &c.
er cheshal; v. hath, &c. frothed, or foamed. K
kesheyder; s. m. a frother, &c.; pl. -yn.
keshagh; a.
s’keshagh; a. how frothy or foamy. K
s’keshee; a. id., [comp. and sup.,] 58. K
keshag; s. f. a bunch of froth or foam that fly together. This word is applied to snow when it comes down like feathers, and to feathers when they get in bunches in a bed, &c.
yn cheshag; s. the bunch of froth, &c. K
keshagagh; a. in bunches, having bunches.
kesmad; s. m. a step, a pace; pl. -yn. [cf. tesmad]
yn chesmad; s. 6. the step; pl. -yn. K
nyn gesmad; s. your, &c. step; pl. -yn. K
kesmad-coshey; a foot step.
kesmadey; v. stepping, pacing.
kessey; s.
yn chessey; s. the cast off piece of land. K
nyn gessey; s. your, &c. cast off piece of land. K
kest; s. m. a turn or cast, a length spun by a roper at a time; pl. -yn.
yn chest; s. the turn, or length spun by a roper at once.
kest; v. cast or struggle; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys. 88.
kestal; v. twisting or struggling in wrestling.
kesteyder; s. m. one who gives a cast, turn<s> or struggle; pl. -yn.
kewyl; s. a keel; pl. -yn.
yn chewyl; s. 6. the keel. K
mackewyl; s. m. a kelson or keelson [OED: A line of timber placed inside a ship along the floor-timbers and parallel with the keel, to which it is bolted, so as to fasten the floor-timbers and the keel together].
key; s. m. a quay; pl. -ghyn.
keyee; a. d. of a quay or keys [sc. quays].
key; s. m. cream; pl. -ghyn.
yn chey; s. the cream. K
nyn gey; s. your, &c. cream. K
keyjeen; s. a cock’s comb, a hen’s comb; pl. -yn.
keyjeenagh; a. having a comb as a cock.
keyl; a. fine, small, slender.
keyley; a. pl. fine, small, slender.
s’keyl; a. how fine or slender. K
s’keylley; a. id., comp. and sup.
feer cheyl; a. very fine or slender. K
keyl; v. to make fine, small, or slender; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
keylagh; v. growing or getting fine, small, or slender.
keylit; 85. made fine or slender.
keylid; s. m. fineness, &c.
keylid-mean; s. the waist.
keyll; s. f. a wood, a forest.
yn cheyll; s. the wood or forest. K
keylljyn; s. pl. forests, woods.
keylley; a. d. of the wood or forest.
cheylley; a. d. of the wood or forest. K
cassan-ayns-keyll; s. m. a grove.
keyllagh or keyhlagh; s. f. a dryad, a wood nymph; a fabulous deformed old woman; as, keyllagh-ny-grummag [?], and y cheyllagh ghaney myr t’ou. [Ugly hag as thou art.]
yn cheyllagh; s. the Dryad or wood-nymph. K
keyllys; s. f. a strait, a firth, a narrow neck of sea, a sound; pl. -yn.
sy cheyllys; s. in the sound or strait. K
keym; s. a stile, or steps to go over a fence.
yn cheym; s. the style or step. K
keymyn; s. pl. steps on which to step over a river; the pl. of keym.
keym-Chreest; s. f. the herb centuary.
keynnagh; s. f. moss; pl. 72 [change -agh to -eeyn].
keynnee; a. d. of moss.
keyrrey; s. f. a sheep; pl. kirree.
yn cheyrrey; s. the single sheep. K
kirree; s. pl. sheep; the pl. of keyrrey.
e chirree; s. 6. pl. his sheep. K
kirree vooarey; a. pl. big sheep. M
keyrragh; a. d. of sheep.
cheyrragh; a. d. 6. of sheep. K
meeyl cheyrragh; s. f. a sheep-louse.
ny geyrragh; a. d. of sheep; John x. 1: Eshyn nagh vel goll stiagh er y dorrys ayns bwoaillee ny geyrragh, agh ta drappal seose er aght ennagh elley, t’eh shen ny vaarliagh as ny roosteyr. He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. K
khennough; v. carping, cavilling.
Kherree; s. f. Kitty.
khyrloghe; a. unsound, carious.
khyrloghey; a. pl. unsound, &c. s’khyrloghe, a. how unsound in body. K
s’khyrloghey; a. id, comp. and sup. K
khyrloghid; s. m. unsoundness, gourdiness [OED gourdy: Of a horse’s legs: Swollen (as a morbid condition)].
kiadd; v. form; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
chiad or chiadd*; v. 6. did form; -agh; -ee; -ey; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms; -ys; <Job xxxiii. 6>[See below]: There is no doubt but this word is from chied (first). K
kiaddey; v. forming, modelling; [Isa. xlv. 7. Ta mee kiaddey yn soilshey, as croo yn dorraghys; ta mee jannoo shee as reill yn olk. Mish yn Chiarn ta bun ooilley ny reddyn shoh. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.] [Job xxxiii. 6: Cur-my-ner, ta mish cordail rish dty yeearree ayns lieh Yee; ta mish myrgeddin er my chiaddey ass yn ooir. Behold, I am according to thy wish in God’s stead: I also am formed out of the clay].
kiaddit; 85. formed; <Isa. xlv. 7>[See above, kiaddey].
kialg; s. f. guile, deceit, craft, subtlety, wile, cunning; pl. -yn.
yn chialg; s. 6. the guile or deceit. K
kialgagh; a. hypocritical, crafty, deceitful, wily, sly.
s’kialgagh; a. how hypocritical, crafty, deceitful, or subtile. K
s’kialgee; a. id., [comp. and sup.,] 58. K
feer chialgagh; a. very hypocritical or deceitful. K
kialgeyr; s. m. a hypocrite, a deceiver, a subtle deceitful person; pl. -yn.
yn chialgeyr; s. the hypocrite or deceiver. K
kialgeyrys (sic: stress) or kialgys; s. m. subtleness, craftiness, deceitfulness.
e chialgeyrys or chialgys; s. his hypocrisy or subtlety. K
nyn gialgeyrys (sic: stress); s. your, &c. subtleness, craftiness.
kialter; s. m. woollen cloth before it is milled or tucked.
yn chialter; s. 6. the unmilled woollen cloth. K
kialteragh; a. d. of woollen cloth unmilled.
eggey chialteragh; s. a web of unmilled woollen cloth. K
kiangl* or kiangle; v. tie, bind, make fast, or secure; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88. Prov. “Kiangle myr noid, as yiow myr carrey.” [Bind as an enemy, and you will have as a friend.]
cha giangl* or giangle; v. not tie or bind; -agh; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms; -ys, 94. K
chiangl* or chiangle; v. 6. did bind or tie; -agh; -ey; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms; -ys, 94; Mat. xvi. 19: As ver-yms dhyt’s ogheryn reeriaght niau: as cre-erbee chianglys oo er y thalloo, bee eh kianlt ayns niau: as cre-erbee eayslys oo er y thalloo, bee eh er ny eaysley ayns niau. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. K
kiangley; v. binding, tying, astringent.
kianglee; a. d. of binding or tying.
dy chiangley; v. to bind, tie, or make costive [OED = ‘constipated’]. K
er giangley; v. hath, &c. tied or bound. K
kianglt or kianlt; 85. tied, bound, made fast, secure; costive.
s’kianlt; a. how tied or bound. K
feer chianlt; pt. very bound or tied. K
ro chianglt; pl. too bound, or too costive. K
kianglt booise; bound in thanks or bound to thanks.
kiangley; s. m. a tie, a bandage; pl. 67 [change -ey to -aghyn].
kiangleyder; s. m. a tyer or binder; pl. -yn.
yn chiangleyder; s. the binder or tyer. K
kiannoort; s. m. a governor; pl. -yn.
yn chiannoort; s. the governor. K
nyn giannoort; s. our, &c. governor. K
kiannoortagh; a. d. of a governor.
kiannoortys; s. m. government; pl. -syn.
kiap; s. m. a block; <Isa. lvii. 14>, <[Lev.] xix. 14>[See below, kiap-snapperal]; a last; pl. -yn.
kap; s. See kiap.
yn chiap; s. the block or last. K
kip or kipp; s. pl. blocks or logs; the pl. of kiap.
e chip; s. 6. his blocks or lasts. K
kiapit; pt.
feer chiapit; a. very blockaded or confined. K
[Lev.] xix. 14: Cha
jean oo gweeaghyn da'n bouyr, ny kiap-snapperal y choyrt roish y doal; agh gowee oo
aggle roish Jee: Mish y Chiarn. Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put a
stumblingblock before the blind, but shalt fear thy God: I am the Lord
yn chiap (sic)-snapperal; s. the stumbling block; Isa. lvii. 14: Tilg-jee seose, tilg-jee seose, kiartee-jee yn raad, scugh-jee yn kiap-snapperal ass raad my phobble. Cast ye up, cast ye up, prepare the way, take up the stumblingblock out of the way of my people. K
kiar or kiare; a. left.
laue chiare; s. left hand. K
kiar* or kiare; v. provide, resolve; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
kiare-jee; p. provide ye.
kiare-jee diu-hene; provide ye for yourselves.
cha giare; v. not provide or resolve. K
chiar* or chiare; v. did resolve, intend, did purpose, or provide; -agh; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms; -ys, 94. K
kiarail; v. care, cares, careth, &c.; determine, &c.
er chiarail; v. hath, &c. intended, purposed, provided, or resolved. K
kiarit; 85. provided; resolved, determined, designed, settled to be.
s’kiarit; a. how designed or resolved. K
slane kiarit; adv. wholly resolved.
kiareyder; s. m. a provider; one that resolves.
kiarail; s. f. care, purpose, design, carefulness; pl. -yn.
carail; s. f. care; pl. -yn.
nyn gairail; s. your, &c. care; pl. -yn. C
kiaralagh; a. careful, circumspect, industrious.
carailagh; a. careful.
s’kiaralagh; a. how careful. K
s’kiaralee; a. id., [comp. and sup.,] 58. K
s’cairailagh; a. how careful. C
s’cairailee; a. more and most careful. C
ro chiarailagh; a. too careful. K
neu-chiarailagh; a. uncareful, careless.
kiaralagh; s. m. a careful person; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
e chiarailagh; s. his careful one; pl. 71. K
carailys; s. f. carefulness.
ard-chiarail or ard-chiarailys; s. f. the providence of God, foresight displayed in taking measures before hand; pl. -yn; -syn.
mee-chiarail; s.
e vee-chiarail; s. his carelessness. M
kiare; a. four. This word cannot be better pronounced than kr, or care, English.
nyn giare; s. your, &c. four. K
kiare-jeig; a. fourteen.
yn chiarjeig; s. the fourteen. K
kiare as feed; a. four and twenty.
yn chiare-as-feed; s. the Twenty-four Keys, the Manks House of Commons. K
kiare as daeed; a. four and forty.
kiare feed; a. fourscore.
yn chiarfeed; s. the eighty, or four score. K
kiare-feed as nuy persoonyn jeig; a. s. ninety-nine persons; Luke xv. 7: Ta mee gra riu, dy bee boggey myrgeddin ayns niau, jeh un pheccagh ta goaill arrys, ny smoo na jeh kiare-feed as nuy persoonyn jeig cairagh, nagh vel feme arrys. I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.
kiare chassagh; a. four-footed, quadruped.
kiare-filley; adv. four-fold.
kiarroo; a. fourth, the ordinal of four.
yn chiarroo; s. 6. the fourth; Dan. vii. 23: Bee yn chiarroo veisht yn chiarroo reeriaght er y thalloo, agh bee casley rish reeriaght erbee elley as stroie-ys eh yn slane seihll, as nee eh stampey sheese eh, as brishey eh ayns peeshyn. The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in piece. K
nyn giarroo; a. your, &c. fourth. K
kerroo; s. m. a quarter, the fourth part.
kerrinyn; s. pl. the pl. of kerroo and kerrin.
kiark; s. f. a hen, the female of fowl; pl. -yn.
yn chiark; s. the hen; pl. -yn. K
nyn giark; s. your, &c. hen; pl. -yn. K
kirk; a. d. of a hen or hens.
kirkey; a. pl. (sic) hen or hens.
kiark my-leydee; s. f. a goldfinch.
kiark rhennee; s. f. a partridge.
kiark ushtey; s. f. a coot.
breck-kiark; s. f. chicken pox.
connagh-ny-g<h>iark; s. f. the herb henbane.
cront-kione-kiark; s. m. a knot made by putting the two ends together as if one, and turning a knot on.
shirragh-ny-giark; s. m. the falcon, a hawk.
thie kiark; s. m. a hen house.
kiarkyl; s. m. a hoop; a circle; pl. 76 [kiarkil].
carkyl; s. m. a hoop, a circle; pl. 76 [carkil].
yn charkyl; s. the hoop, &c. C
nyn garkyl; s. your, &c. hoop; pl. -yn, or 76. K
far-charkyl; s. m. a truss hoop.
lieh-charkyl; s. m. a semicircle.
carkylagh; a. <a> circular.
s’karkylagh; a. how circular. K
s’karkylee; a. id., [comp. and sup.,] 58. K
kiart; a. even, right, just, exact, flat, accurate.
cairt; a. correct, exact, just, even, flat.
cairtey; a. pl. just, right, even, exact.
s’kiart; a. how even, exact, just, level, flat. K
s’cairt; a. how even, exact, accurate, just, level, flat. C
s’kiartey; a. id., comp. and sup. K
s’cairtey; a. more and most even, exact, &c. C
feer chiart; a. very correct, exact, even, &c.
feer chairt; a. very exact, just, even, flat. C
anchiart; a. uneven, unequal.
s’anchiart; a. how uneven. A
s’anchiartey; a. id., comp. and sup. A
lieh-kiart; s. m. the even half.
lieh-chiart; a. uneven, odd, rough.
neu-chiart; a. uneven, not level, dissimilar, inaccurate.
neu-chiartys; s. f. unevenness, partiality, inaccuracy.
kiart* or kiartee; v. make even, right, accurate, flat, &c.; -agh, 77; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
cairt; v. -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
cha giart; v. not make even, fix or adjust. K
chiart; v. -agh; -aghey; -ee; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms; -ys, 94. K
kiartagh or kiartaghey; v. adjusting, fixing in order, preparing, getting ready, rectifying.
dy chiartaghey; v. to adjust or fix in order. K
nyn giartagh; s. your, &c. char or job. K
cairtaghey; v.
dy chairtaghey; v. to fix, prepare, make even; -in, 83 -ins, 84; -it, 85; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
kiartit; 85. made right, even, just, or exact, fixed, finished.
cairtit; 85. fixed, finished.
s’kiartit; a. how fixed, prepared, made even. K
kiartey; s. m. a char, a job.
kiartaghyn; s. pl. chars, jobs, fixings.
kiarteyder; s.
nyn giarteyder; s. your, &c. adjuster, &c. K
kiaull; s. clamour, noise, din; pl. -yn.
yn chiaull; s. 6. the clamour, noise; music.
nyn giaull; s. your, &c. clamour, noise, or din. K
kiaullee; a. d. of music or melody.
chiaullee; a. d. of music or noise. K
fir-chiaullee; s. pl. musicians; Rev. xviii. 22: As cha bee kiaull claaseyderyn, as fir-chiaullee, as piperyn, as fir-chayrnee, arragh er ny chlashtyn aynyd’s. And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee.
kiaull-reggyrt; s. f. echo.
yn chiaull-reggyrt; s. the echo. K
kiaull; v. make clamour or noise; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
chiaull; v. [did make clamour or noise] -agh; -aghey; -ee; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms; -ys, 94. K
kiaulley; v. noising, making music.
kiaullit; 85. made to sound.
kiaulleyder; s. m. a musician, a maker of noise, &c.; pl. -yn.
yn chiaulleyder; s. the musician. K
kiaulleeaght; s. m. music with instruments or voice; dancing, singing; Luke xv. 25: Nish va’n mac shinney mooie ’sy vagher: as tra haink eh er-gerrey da’n thie, cheayll eh kiaulleeaght as daunsin. Now his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard musick and dancing; pl. -yn.
yn chiaulleeaght; s. the noise or music. K
nyn giaulleeaght; s. your music, &c. K
kiaullane; s. a bell; a clarion [OED: A shrill-sounding trumpet with a narrow tube, formerly much used as a signal in war]; a clamourer; pl. -yn.
yn chiaullane; s. the bell or hand-bell. K
kiaullaneyder; s. m. a bellman, a crier; pl. -yn; Ecclesiasticus xx. 15: Son y veggan t’eh dy choyrt, t’eh mooaraghey dy creoi, t’eh fosley e veeal myr kiaullaneyder: t’eh geeasagh jiu, as shirrey reesht mairagh: ta lheid y fer dwoaiagh fenish Jee as dooinney. He giveth little, and upbraideth much; he openeth his mouth like a crier; to day he lendeth, and to morrow will he ask it again: such an one is to be hated of God and man.
yn chiaullaneyder; s. the bell-man. K
kibbin; s. m. a stake, spike, or peg driven or put into some thing to tie to; pl. -yn.
yn chibbin; s. 6. the peg, pin, or stake. K
kickl or kickil; s. f. tickle, titillation.
kickl or kickil; v. tickle or titillate; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
chickil; v. 6. did tickle; -agh; -ee; -in; -ins; -it; -ym; -yms; -ys, 94. K
kickley; v. tickling, titillating.
kicklit; 85. tickled.
kicklagh; a. ticklesome.
s’kicklagh; a. how ticklesome. K
s’kicklee; a. id., [comp. and sup.,] 58. K
kiebbey; s. m. a spade; pl. 67 [change -ey to -aghyn].
yn chiebbey; s. 6. the spade; pl. 67. K
kiebbagh; a. d. of a spade or spades.
kiebbey cleiyee; s. m. a hedge spade.
kiebbey garey; s. m. a garden spade.
kied; s. leave, permission, allowance to do, &c.; pl. -yn.
yn chied; s. the leave or permission. K
nyn gied; s. your, &c. liberty, or permission. K
kied; a.
chied; <adv.>[a.] first, foremost.
kimmagh; s. m. a criminal, culprit, felon, malefactor; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
kymmagh; See kimmagh.
yn chimmagh; s. 6. the criminal or culprit. K
kimmeeys; s. m. criminality, felony.
yn chimmeeys; s. the criminality. K
Kingeesh; s. f. Pentecost, Whitsuntide. Is this word from çhengees (tongues in two), or from quinquagist, Latin, (fifty)?— the number of days from Easter to this feast.
yn Chingeesh; s. the Pentecost. K
nyn Ghingeesh (sic); s. your, &c. Pentecost or Whitsuntide. K
kinjagh; a. constant, still, continual, regular, incessant.
s’kinjagh; a. how constant or regular. K
s’kinjee; a. id., [comp. and sup.,] 58. K
ro chinjagh; a. 6. too constant. K
meein-chinjagh; a. moderate.
neu-chinjagh; a. irregular, inconsistent, unsteady.
kinjid; s. m. constancy, continuance, regularity.
yn chinjid; s. the regularity, the constancy.
kink; s. m. a wrinkle or double in a rope, yarn, or thread with too much twist [i.e. a kink]; pl. -yn.
kione; s. m. a head, an end; pl. see king. This word is also used for pass; as, haink eh gy-kione (and it came to pass).
as-haink eh gy-kione; and it came to pass, or to an end.
yn chione; s. 6. the head, the end. K
nyn gione; s. your, &c. head. K
king; s. pl. heads, chiefs, ends; the pl. of kione.
nyn ghing; s. your, &c. heads. K [sc. ging]
ching; a. d. 6. of the head or heads. gour e ching (headlong).
er-e-chione; adv. p. on his head.
er-y-chione; adv. on the head, ahead.
kione-ardys; s.
e chione-ardys; s. his haughtiness; Pro. xxv. 27: Cha vel eh follan dy ee rouyr mill; myr shen cha vel eh son goo dooinney, dy ve geiyrt dy gyere er e chione-ardys hene. It is not good to eat much honey: so for men to search their own glory is not glory. K
kione-enee; a. present, or in presence.
kione-eiyrt or -edeiyrt; s. the head of the bed.
kione-emshir; s. a weather head in the air.
kione-fenish; adv. in audience of, present.
kiongoyrt; pre. before, in presence of.
kione-hallooin; s. a cape or promontory.
kione-keeaght; s. a plough head.
kione-lajeragh; a. headstrong; Hos. iv. 16: Son ta Israel creoi-wannallagh, myr colbagh kione-lajeragh: nish nee yn Chiarn fassaghey ad myr eayin ayns aber aalin. For Israel slideth back as a backsliding heifer: now the Lord will feed them as a lamb in a large place.
kione-my-laee; s. the drooping or lower end.
kione-roauyr; s. the best part, the thick end or head.
kione-tramman; s. m. the fish bull-head.
kione-y-cheilley; adv. through others, mixed.
ard-chione; s. m. superior.
cront-kione-kiark; s. m. a knot made by putting the two ends together as if one, and turning a knot on.
dooan-y-chione-cast; s. f. the herb self-heal
gour-y-chione; adv. headlong, by the head.
kionnan; [s.] the dim. of kione, a lump less than a head, a bundle; Acts xxviii. 3: As heih Paul kionnan dy vrasnagyn, as hug eh ad er yn aile, as haink ard-nieu ass y chiass, as lhian eh rish e laue. And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks, and laid them on the fire, there came a viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand; pl. -yn.
yn chionnan; s. 6. the lump less than a head. K
ny-chione; adv. by the hand; Jud. xvi. 26: As dooyrt Samson rish y yuilley va ny-chione, Lhig dou loaghtey ny pillaryn ta cummal seose y thie, dy voddym goaill my aash. And Samson said unto the lad that held him by the hand, Suffer me that I may feel the pillars whereupon the house standeth, that I may lean upon them; literally, a-head of,
adv. mingled among; Num. xv<i>. 6 and 9: Ny son rea, nee oo
kiarail son oural-arran, yn wheiggoo ayrn jeh ephah dy flooyr mestit lesh yn
trass ayrn jeh hin dy ooil ny-chione. Or for a ram, thou shalt prepare for a
meat offering two tenth deals of flour mingled with the third part of an hin of
Eisht ver eh lesh marish y dow, oural-arran jeh three omeryn dy flooyr, lesh
lieh hin dy ooil ny-chione. Then shall he bring with a bullock a
meat offering of three tenth deals of flour mingled with half an hin of oil.
kin-oie; s. (the kin from kione), the end of the night.
kin-oie mairagh; s. the end of to-morrow night.
kin-oie nuyr; s. the end of next night.
kionn* or kionnee; v. buy, purchase; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87;-ys, 88.
cha gion or gionn*; v. not buy; -agh; -ee; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms, 94.
chionn* or chionnee; v. 6. did buy, bought; -agh; -aghey; -in; -ins; -it; -ym; -yms; -ys, 94. K
kionnagh or kionnaghey; v. buying, purchasing.
er gionnaghey; v. hath, &c. bought or purchased. K
kionnee; a. d. of buying or purchasing.
chionnee; a. d. of buying, &c.; as, Ta feeagh y phing chionnee feer lhome. [The purchasing value of a penny is very bare.] K
fer-chionnee (sic); s. m. a redeemer, a ransomer.
aa-chionnagh; v. buying again, repurchasing.
kionnit; 85. bought, purchased.
s’kionnit; a. how purchased or bought. K
kionneeaght; s. m. a purchase; pl. -yn.
yn chionneeaght; s. the purchase. K
kionneyder; s. m. a buyer or purchaser.
yn chionneyder; s. 6. the buyer or purchaser.
nyn gionneyder; s. your, &c. purchaser.
kip or kipp; s. f. a whip; Pro. xxvi. 3: Ta kip son y chabbyl, streean son yn assyl, as slat son dreeym yn ommydan. A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool’s back; pl. -yn.
yn chipp; s. the whip; pl. -yn. K
kip or kipp; v. whip; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
kippit; pt.
s’kippit; a. how whipped. K
kirbyl; s. m. a lunch or luncheon; pl. 76 [kirbil].
kirkin; s. m. an unsteady, inconstant person; pl. -yn.
kirkinagh; a. wavering, fluctuating.
kirkinys; s. m. inconstancy.
kirt; v. make speed, away; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
kirtagh; v. making haste or speed.
kishan; s. m. a measure of eight quarts, a peck. Prov. “Sheeu kishan dy yoan Mayrnt maaill bleeaney Vannin.” [A peck of March dust is worth a year’s rent of Man.]
yn chishan; s. 6. the peck; pl. -yn. K
nyn gishan; s. your, &c. peck, pl. -yn. K
kishan shellan; s. [m.] a bee hive.
kishaney; v. hiving.
kishtey; s. m. a chest; pl. 67 [change -ey to -aghyn].
yn chishtey; s. the chest; pl. 67. K
kit; s. a piece of wood made small in both ends to play with.
kiun or kiune; a. calm, tranquil.
s’kiune; a. how calm or serene. K
s’kiuney; a. id., comp. and sup. K
feer chiun or chiune; a. 6. very calm.
kiun* or kiunee; v. calm, tranquillize; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
cha giune; v. not calm; -agh; -e; -ins; -ym; -yms, 94. K
chiun* or chiune; v. [did] calm; -agh; -aghey; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms; -ys, 94. K
chiunee; v. did become calm. K
kiunagh or kiunaghey; v. calming.
kiunit; 85. calmed or becalmed.
s’kiunit; a. how calmed. K
kiuneyder; s. m. a calmer.
kiuney; s. f. a calm; pl. 67 [change -ey to -aghyn]. The gender of this is settled under the proverb. See chiuney.
yn chiuney; s. the calm; Prov. “Yn chiuney smoo erbee geay jiass sniessey j’ee.” [The greatest calm of all, the South wind nearest to it; i.e. the greater the calm the nearer the South wind.]
nyn giuney; s. your, &c. calm; pl. 67. K
kiuttagh; a. left handed; Jud. iii. 15: Agh tra ren cloan Israel accan gys y Chiarn, hrog y Chiarn seose daue fendeilagh, Ehud mac Gera, Benjamite, dooinney kiuttagh: as leshyn hug cloan Israel gioot gys Eglon ree Voab. But when the children of Israel cried unto the Lord, the Lord raised them up a deliverer, Ehud the son of Gera, a Benjamite, a man lefthanded: and by him the children of Israel sent a present unto Eglon the king of Moab.
kyttagh; a. See kiuttagh, left handed.
laue chiuttagh; a. the left hand. K
koinney; s. m. ling, heather, gorse.
yn choinney; s. the heath, ling, or gorse. K
nyn goinney; s. your, &c. heath, ling, &c. K
koinnee; a. d. of ling or gorse.
choinnee; a. d. of heath or gorse. K
koinney-aadjin; s. gorse ling.
koinney-freaie; s. heather ling.
koir; s. f. a box, a chest; pl. koiyr.
kred; s. m. a grunt, a hem, the act of discharging the breath with force; a sigh is made by drawing in the breath, this by forcing it out, a weak cough.
yn chred; s. the hem, &c. See kred. K
kred; v. hem, &c.; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
cha gred; v. not hem or grunt; -agh; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms, 94. C
kredal or kredyragh; v. grunting, or discharging the breath short with force.
krink; s. m. a knight; Par[adise] Lost [the form there, l. 104, is pl. cringtyn; cringt might well be the expected form < Eng. knight, as cront < knot]; pl. -yn.
krinkys; s. m. knighthood.
kritlagh; s. m. the refuse of a worn out garment. [See also fritlag.]
kuckl or kucklee; v. dry after rain; -agh, 77; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
kuckley; s. m. an interval of dry weather after rain; pl. 67 [change -ey to -aghyn].
kurn; s. m. a can; pl. -yn.
yn churn; s. the can. K
nyn gurn; s. your, &c. can. <C>[K]
kuse; s. f. a quantity; pl. -yn.
e chuse; s. his quantity. K
kute; a. keen, acute, cunning.
kutremys; s. m. a selected portion.
kyndagh; conj. because of, on account of.
kyndagh; a. ‘guilty’
s’kyndagh; a. how much because of, how criminal or guilty. K
s’kyndee; a. id., [comp. and sup.,] 58. K
kyndagh; s. m. the guilty one; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
yn chyndagh; s. 6. the guilty person or thing. K
by-chyndagh; adv. because of.
by-dty-chyndagh; adv. because of thee, in consequence of thee; Jer. xxxviii. 23: …as by-dty-chyndagh loshtee ad yn ard-valley shoh lesh aile. … and thou shalt cause this city to be burned with fire.
mee-chyndagh; a. inculpable; s. m. an inculpable or an unblamable person; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
neu-chyndagh; a. 6. unblamable, free from crime; s. m. a blameless, person; pl. 71; Pro. vi. 17: Shilley moyrnagh, chengey vreagagh, as laueyn ta deayrtey yn uill neu-chyndagh. A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood.
kyndid; s. m. guilt, guiltiness.
e chyndid; s. 6. his guilt or guiltiness. K
mee-chyndid; s. m. inculpableness, blamelessness.
kynney; s. m. kindred; pl. 68 [change -ey to -eeyn].
dty chynney; s. thy kindred. K
kys; adv. (from quis or fys), how[?].
kys te; adv. p. how is it[?].
kys t’ee; adv. p. how is she[?]; -ish, id. em.
kys t’eh; adv. p. how is he[?].
kys teshyn; adv. p. id. em.
kys t’ad; adv. p. how are they[?]; -syn, id. em.
kys ta mee; adv. p. how am I[?]
kys ta mish; id. em.
kys t’ou; adv. p. how art thou[?]; -uss, id. em.
kys ta shiu; adv. p. how are you or ye[?]; -ish, id. em.
kys v’ad; adv. p. how were they[?]; -syn, id. em.
kys v’oo or vou; adv. p. how wert thou[?]; -uss, id. em.