aa-; an adjunct; a. second, second-hand. This word is used as a prefix in composition, and implies repeated action, as the Latin re-. Again, when yn is placed before it, it changes to nah, the ordinal of two.
yn nah; s. f. (from aa), second, the ordinal of two. As this word is initialled by n besides the n in yn, other words initialled by vowels might claim the same; as, yn nollagh (the cattle); yn naassagh (the wilderness); yet, this is not the case. A
aa-aase; s. m. second growth.
aa-aase; v. to grow again.
aa-chionnagh; v. buying again, repurchasing.
aa-chionnit; pt. rebought, bought again the second time.
aa-chlashtyn; s. m. a rehearing.
aa-chluinnit; pt. reheard.
aa-chooinaghtyn; s. m. recollection.
aa-chummit; pt. formed anew.
aa-eaddagh; s. m. second-hand clothes.
aa-gherrit or aagherrid; s. m. a shorter way, a shorter cut; pl. -yn.
aa-ghiennaghtyn; s. m. regeneration.
aa-hilley; s. m. second sight.
aa-hroggal; v. rebuilding, lifting again.
aa-lhieeney; s. m. second filling, laying eggs the second time; [v.] to replenish, to fill again.
aa-oe; s. m. a great grand child.
aa-smooinaght; s.m. second thought, reflection.
aa-vaair; s. m. second crop.
aa-vioee or aa-vioghee; v. revive, quicken, enliven.
dy aa-vioghey; v. to revive, to quicken.
aadjin or aaitchinaaitçhin;
s. m. gorse, furze, whins.
aaitn; v. gorse, cover with whins; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -ey, 82; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
cha n’aaitn* or n’aaitnee; v. not gorse; -agh; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms, 94. A
gaaitnagh or gaaitnaghey; v. 61. gorsing, or placing edder or fence wood on the top of a hedge; it is also called bearding or eddering. A
dy aaitnagh or aaitnaghey; v. to cover with gorse, as a bearded hedge.
er n’aaitnaghey; v. hath, &c. gorsed. A
daaitnee; v. did gorse, gorsed. A
aaitnit; pt. gorsed, whined; 85.
s’aaitnit; a. how gorsed, or greatly, or well gorsed.
baar-aadjin; an herb of the heath class.
grein-aadjyn; s. pl. greaves [OED: Branches, twigs].
koinney-aadjin; s. gorse ling.
aae; s. f. an arch, a boundary over a river, a ford, a place to pass over a river dry; pl. -ghyn.
aaghyn; s. pl. arches, fords; Jud. xii. 6: Eisht ghow ad, as varr ad eh ec aaghyn Yordan; as huitt ec y traa shen jeh ny Ephraimiteyn, daa housane as da-eed. Then they took him, and slew him at the passages of Jordan: and there fell at that time of the Ephraimites forty and two thousand.
aaght; s. m. a lodging; pl. -yn.
aaght; v. lodge.
aaghtit; pt. lodged; 85.
e haaght; s. her lodging. A
aailagh; or aalagh, s. f. a brood of young, what a fowl has at a hatching; Jer. xvii. 11: Myr ta’n kiark-rhennee soie er oohyn as nagh vel ee guirr aalagh; myr shen eshyn ta cosney berchys, as cha nee dy cairagh, faagee eh ad ayns mean e laghyn, as ec y jerrey bee eh ny ommydan. As the partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not; so he that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee], or -yn.
gaailagh; s. f. the brood of young that a fowl has at hatching. A
aail; a. d. of a brood or litter; as, guiy aail (a brood goose).
aajey or aahley; s. m. a known place, a place used of, or convenient to. The latter word is used at the North of the Island for a place marked at sea to fish on; pl. 67 [change -ey to -aghyn].
ahley; s. f. See aajey; pl. 67 [change -ey to -aghyn]. [cf. lheih]
aalican; s. m. a halcyon, a fine calm time, serene and tranquil weather, peace and tranquillity.
aalin; a. elegant, beautiful, grand, splendid, noble, comely, fair, amiable, handsome, fine.
s’aalin; a. how beautiful, elegant, fair, comely, handsome, grand, noble, amiable, &c. A
s’aaley; a. id., comparative and superlative. A
neu-aalin; a. inelegant, uncomely.
aalid; s. m. elegance, beauty, grandeur, splendour, comeliness, fairness, handsomeness, nobleness, amiableness.
e haalid; s. her beauty or comeliness. A
aall; s. m. a fork, a flesh fork; pl. -yn.
e haal; s. her fork. A
aane; s. f. a liver; pl. -yn.
e haane; s. her liver; pl. -yn. A
aanrit; s. m. cloth, linen cloth. pl. -yn.
e haanrit; s. her linen cloth. A
aanrit breck; check or chequer.
aanrit sack; sackcloth.
aanrit caitnagh; fustian.
aarey; s. f. a kidney; pl. 67 [change -ey to -aghyn].
aarey; s. f. a ladder; pl. 67 [change -ey to -aghyn].
aarl or aarlee; v. cook; dress meat; -agh, 77; -aghey, 82; -ee, <79>[80]; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
daarl or daarlee; v. did cook or dress victuals. A
cha n’aarl* or n’aarlee; v. not cook or dress meat; -agh; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms, 94. A
aarlagh or aarlaghey; v.
gaarlagh or gaarlaghey; v. 61. cooking. A
er n’aarlaghey; v. hath, &c. cooked victuals. A
e haarlagh; s. her cooking. A
aarlee; a. d. of cooking or dressing meat.
aarlider; s. m. a dresser of victuals, a cook; see also coagyrey.
aarlit; [pt.] 85. dressed, cooked, prepared.
s’aarlit; a. how dressed, cooked, or made ready. A
aarloo; a. ready prepared, fitted, dressed, at hand; apt, prone.
s’aarloo; a. how ready, prone, apt, &c., comparative and superlative. A
aarlooid; s.
mee-aarlooid; s.
e vee-aarlooid; s. his unpreparedness or unreadiness. M
aart-ny-paart; lot nor part.
aase; s. m. growth; pl. -yn.
aase; v. grow; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86 -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
cha n’aas* or n’aase; v. not grow; -agh; -ee; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms, 94. A
er n’aase; v. hath, &c. grown. A
daase; v. did grow, grew. A
gaase; v. 61. growing. A
e haase; s. her growth. A
aasit; [pt.] grown, 85.
s’aasit; a. how grown or greatly grown. A
aasoil; a. having the quality of growing.
aa-aase; s. m. second growth.
aa-aase; v. to grow again.
aash; s. m. ease, rest, freedom from labour or pain, leisure; Prov. “Caghlaa obbyr aash.” [Change of work is rest.]
e haash; s. her ease or rest. A
as-dty-aash or as-aash; in. with ease, not quick, slowly.
neu-aash; s. f. uneasiness, discontent.
graue-aash; s. f. uneasiness, restlessness.
aashagh; a. easy, not difficult.
dy aashagh; adv. easily.
neu-aashagh; uneasy, not easy.
oayll-aashagh; a. easy disposed, not violent.
s’aashagh; a. how easy, how much at rest or quietness. A
b’aashiagh-enn; adv. easy to know or well known.
s’aashagh<t> or sassey; a. id., comp. and sup. A
sassey; a. more or most easy or cheap, the comp. and sup. of aashagh.
aashag; s. f. a boss, a seat to rest on, a seat made of matted straw; pl. -yn.
Aaue; s. f. Eve.
abane; s. f. ankle; pl. -yn.
e habane; s. her ankle. A
abanagh; a. d. of the ankle or ankles.
abb; a. abbey; as, thalloo abb [abbey land].
abbyrlhit; s. m. the alphabet.
aber; s. m. pasture, a place to feed or graze on, pasturage; pl. -yn.
abyl; a. able.
s’abyl; a. how able or greatly able. A
neu-abyl; a. unable, impossible.
accan; s. m. moan, lamentation or sorrow expressed by a mournful tone of voice; pl. -yn.
e haccan; s. her moan. A
gaccan; v. 61. moaning, bewailing. A
accanagh; s. m. a moaner or bemoaner; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
accyrys; s. m. hunger, the pain felt by fasting long; any violent desire.
e haccyrys; s. her hunger. A
gaccrys; a. (sic) hungry. A
accryssagh; a. hungry, being hungered; s. m. a hungry person; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
s’accryssagh; a. how hungry, &c. A
s’accryssee; a. id., comp. and sup. A
achlish or aghlish; s. f. the armpit; a quantity of any thing brought under the arm; Jer. xxxviii. 12: Cur nish ny shenn chloodyn ceaut, as ny frytlaggyn loau shoh fo dty achlishyn, fo ny coyrdyn. Put now these old cast clouts and rotten rags under thine armholes under the cords; pl. -yn.
oghlish; See achlish.
grine-achlish; s. m. a small grain of oats that grows with another.
acoyrts; s. m. an action at law; pl. -yn.
acoyrtssagh; s. m. a complainant; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
ad; pro. they, them; -syn; id. em.
ad-hene; pro. themselves.
adshen; pro. those, they.
adshid; pro. those more remote.
adshoh; pro. these.
adultrinagh; a. adulterous.
aeg; a. young, juvenile, youthful.
aegey; a. pl. young, youthful; as, mraane aegey (young women).
s’aeg; a. how young or youthful. A
saa; a. younger, youngest; the comp. and sup. of aeg, positive, and s’aeg which is the degree —there is not one word in English which gives its definition; its meaning is, how young, or young is the person? and so for all the adjectives and participles, as shown in Remark 58.
aegid; s. m. youth; 89.
e haegid; s. her youth. A
ben-aeg; s. f. a young woman.
dooinney-aeg; s. m. a young man.
aer; s. f. air, firmament.
agg or aggad; s. m. a sore or deep cut, a nick or cut in a tally.
aggair or aggairys; s. m. wrong, injustice; an action contrary to moral rectitude; aggression.
aggairagh; a. unjust, improper, unfit, unsuitable; s. m. a person that commits injustice; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee]; Pro. xxi. 15: Te boggey da dooinney cairal dy choyrt briwnys kiart: agh hig toyrt-mow er ny aggairee. It is joy to the just to do judgment: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity.
s’aggairagh; a. how unjust, how wrong. A
s’aggairee; a. id. comp. and sup. A
aggindagh; a. desirous, eager to obtain.
neu-aggindagh; or neu-agginagh, a. undesirable, unminded for, averse.
aggindys; s. m. fondness, eagerness, eager desire.
e haggindys; s. her willingness. A
neu-aggindys; s. f. undesirableness.
aggle; s. m. fear, dread, terror, a painful apprehension of danger; Prov. “Boayl nagh vel aggle cha vel grayse” [Where there’s no fear, there’s no grace]; pl. -yn.
e haggle; s. her fear. A
er-aggle; adv. for fear, lest. Er is sometimes translated, for, as in this word, though more literally it should be, on.
s’aggle; adv. (sic) cause of fear. This word is used in answer in the affirmative to baggle when there is cause of fear. A
cha b’aggle; v. (sic) no cause of fear; 161.
aggl* or agglee; v. fear or frighten; -agh, 77; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
cha n’aggl[*] or n’aggle; v. not fear or frighten; -agh; -ee; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms, 94. A
daggle or dagglee; v. did frighten or frightened, did terrify or terrified, &c. A
jaggle or jagglee; v. did fright or frighten.
gagglagh or gagglaghey; v. frightening. A
dy agglaghey; v. to frighten, to appal, to intimidate.
er n’agglaghey; v. hath, &c. frightened. A
agglit; frightened, dismayed, appalled; 85.
s’agglit; a. how frightened. A
agglagh; a. fearful, awful, dreadful, frightful, afraid.
s’agglagh; a. how fearful, afraid. A
s’agglee; a. id., comp. and sup. A
agglaghin; s. m. a fearful person; pl. -yn.
agglish; s. f. the Church, or body of believers; pl. -yn.
ny hagglish; s. of the Church or body of believers. A
briw-agglish; s. m. an ecclesiastical judge, or a vicar-general.
leigh ny hagglish; s. f. canon law.
meoir-agglish; s. m. a beadle.
agglishagh; a. ecclesiastical; a. d. of the Church.
aggyrts; v.
gaggyrts; v. complaining, craving, claiming. A
gagyrtssagh; s. m. a complainant; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee]. A
agh; conj. but.
agh-fuirree ort; in. but stay thou, but hold thou.
agh son shoh as ooilley; adv. but, notwithstanding; 2 Sam. xxiv. 4: Agh son shoh as ooilley, ghow goan y ree raad noi Joab… Notwithstanding the king’s word prevailed against Joab…
-agh; when used as a postfix in composition, means -ing, -ly, -ous, &c.
s. f. a species of hemlock, or fool’s parsley. In Amos vi. 12, and Hos.
x. 4, it is rendered hemlock. …son ta shiu er hyndaa briwnys gys gall, as mess
ny cairys gys yn aghaue. …for ye have turned
judgment into gall, and the fruit of righteousness into hemlock.
T’ad er loayrt goan oaiagh ayns jannoo conaant: myr shen ta briwnys gaase
seose, myr yn aghaue ayns imraghyn y vagheragh. They have
spoken words, swearing falsely in making a covenant: thus judgment springeth up
as hemlock in the furrows of the field.
Prov. “Ta’n aghaue veg shuyr da’n aghaue vooar” as much as to
say, “a small evil or sin is sister to a great one.” [The little hemlock is a
sister to the big hemlock.]
aghin; s. f. a petition, a supplication, an entreaty; pl. -yn.
e haghin; s. her petition. A
aghinagh; s. m. a petitioner, supplicant; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
aghiney; v. petitioning, supplicating.
agh-markiagh; s. m. a riding horse.
yn niagh [sc. yn eagh]; s. m. the nag, the riding horse; Job xxxix. 19: Nee uss hug troshid da'n niagh? nee uss ren coamrey e wannal lesh taarnagh? Hast thou given the horse strength? hast thou clothed his neck with thunder? and Zec. x. 3: Va my chorree er ny vrasnaghey noi ny bochillyn, as ren mee kerraghey ny goair, son ta Chiarn ny flaunyssee er yeeaghyn er e hioltane, thie Yudah, as t'eh er n'yannoo ad myr yn niagh trean 'sy chaggey. Mine anger was kindled against the shepherds, and I punished the goats: for the Lord of hosts hath visited his flock the house of Judah, and hath made them as his goodly horse in the battle.
eagh--cheoy; s. f. sciatic, rheumatism.
agheree; v. horsing.
agherey-hoaney or agherey-amman; s. f. a crupper.
aght; s. m. art, skill, behaviour, demeanor, gait, plight, way; pl. -yn.
e haght; s. her skill, &c. A
gaght; v. act, behave; -agh; -ee; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms; -ys, 94. A
gaghtey; v. acting, behaving. A
aghtal; a. artful, skilful, dexterous, expert, mannerly.
s’aghtal; a. how skilful, artful, &c. A
s’aghtaley; a. id., comp. and sup. A
neu-aghtal; a. unskilful, awkward.
aghtallys; s. m. artfulness, skilfulness.
neu-aghtallys; s. f. unskillfulness, &c.
aght--baghee; s. m. manner of life, occupation; 2 Tim. iii. 10: Agh t’ou uss dy slane er hoiggal my ynsagh, my aght-baghee, my chiarail my chredjue, my hurranse-foddey, my ghraih, my veenid. But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience; Jonah i. 8: Insh dooin, ta shin guee ort, quoi by-chyndagh ta’n olk shoh er jeet orrin: cre ta dty aght beaghee? Tell us, we pray thee, for whose cause this evil is upon us; What is thine occupation?
aghterbee; adv. any way, any wise, any how, however.
naght; s. m. the way; with myr [sc. myr naght], like as, that as; a contraction of yn and aght.
aghtys; s.
drogh-aghtys; s. f. ill behaviour, misdemeanor.
aghtrhoeid; s. m. the diarrhoea or lax.
ah; in. O! Oh!
ahjooigh; s. f. the gullet or throat, the passage through which the food passes from the mouth to the stomach.
ahlah; in. do not trouble me.
ahlea; s. f. the spleen of an animal.
ahlley; s. f. the aisle of a church.
aiee; s. f. a kiln; pl. -yn.
e haïee; s. her kiln. A
aae; a. d. of a kiln
aaie gheayil; s. [sc. aaie/aiee eayil ‘lime kiln’].
aigh-vie or aie-vie; s. m. good luck, farewell, good will, Psal. xlv. 5. Aigh mie dy row lhiat lesh dty ooashley. Good luck have thou with thine honour; go and prosper, 1 Chron. xxii. 11: Nish my vac, yn Chiarn dy row mayrt; as gow er dty hoshiaght lesh aigh mie… Now, my son, the Lord be with thee; and prosper thou…
aigney; s. f. (sic) mind, inclination, will; pl. 67 [change -ey to -aghyn].
e haigney; s. her mind, &c.; Luke ii. 19: Agh hasht Moirrey ooilley ny raaghyn shoh (ayns e haigney) as smooinee ee orroo dy dowin ayns e cree. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. A
aigney-booiagh; s. m. contentment.
aigney-caghlaait; converted; 85.
aigney-mie; s. m. good will.
aigney-seyr; s. m. free will.
aignagh; a. ready minded for, inclined for.
ard-aignagh; a. arrogant, high minded.
mooar-aignagh; a. magnanimous.
lhieeney-aigney; s. m. satisfaction.
rouailtys-aigney; s. m. the roving or wandering of the mind.
sou-aigney; (sie or seiy-aigney), s. f. bitterness; 1 Sam. xviii. 8 [? — xxii. 2: As ren dy chooilley ghooinney va tranlaasit, ny fo feeaghyn, ny sou-aigney, ad-hene y haglym huggey. And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him]; grief of mind, sorrow of spirit: Lam. iii. 65: Ver oo daue sou-aigney, hig dty vollaght orroo. Give them sorrow of heart, thy curse unto them.
aile; s. m. fire, ignis; pl. -yn.
e haile; s. her fire. A
ailey; a. d. of fire; a. pl. (sic) fire; Isa. lxvi. 15: Son cur-my-ner, hig y Chiarn lesh aile, as lesh e ainee myr geay-chassee, dy chooilleeney e yymmoose lesh eulys, as e oghsan lesh lossaghyn ailey. For, behold, the Lord will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire.
lus yn aile; s. f. burnet.
aileagh or ailagh; a. fiery, igneous.
s’aileagh; a. how fiery. A
s’ailee; a. id., comparative and superlative. A
glass-aileagh; s. m. a firelock [OED: A gunlock, employed in firearms using gunpowder, in which sparks are generated to ignite the priming].
aill; s.
saillym; p. I please; -s, id. em.
cha naill or naillee; v. not wish; -agh; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms, 94. S
baill; v. would wish, or rather be pleased, or willing.
baillmayd; we would wish, or rather, be pleased or willing.
my saillish or sallish; p. if he please; -in, id. em.
my saillee; p. if she please; -ish, id. em.
my saillin; p. if we please; -yn, id. em.
my sailt; p. if thou please, if it please thee.
my silliu; p. p. if you please; -ish, id. em.
cha naillish; p. he wishes not, or his will is not for; -in, id. em.
cha naill-lhien; p. we would not wish, &c. S
nailt; p. wouldst thou wish or be pleased to be so? -s, id. em. S
nilliu; p. will ye or you be pleased; -ish, id. em. S
cha nailliu; See nilliu. S
baillish; he would, &c.
baillishin; he, &c.; id. em.
baillee; she would, &c.
bailleeish; she would or will, &., id. em.
bailleu; they would, &c., be.
bailleuish; they would or will be, &c., id. em
baillym; I would, &c.
baillyms; I would; id. em. 161.
baillhien; we, &c.
baillhienyn; we, &c.; id. em.
bailt; v. thou wouldst be pleased, wish, or be willing of; -s, id. em.
bailliu; you or ye would, &c.
bailloo; See bailliu.
bailliuish; you or ye; id. em.
my billiu; v. if you please or choose.
my billiuish; v. if you please, &c., em.
ainjys; s. m. acquaintance, intimacy.
e hainjys; s. her acquaintance. A
ainjyssagh; s. m. an acquaintance; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee]; a. acquainted, intimate.
s’ainjyssagh; a. how acquainted. A
s’ainjyssee; a. id. em., comp. and sup. A
neu-ainjyssagh; a. unacquainted.
ainle; s. m. an angel; pl. -yn.
e hainle; s. her angel; pl. 69 [change -e to -yn]. A
ny hainleyn; s. the angels. A
ard-ainle; s. m. archangel; pl. -yn.
airdeylagh; s. m. a mariner’s compass.
airh; s. f. gold. Airh wuigh as palçhey j’ee. [Yellow gold and plenty of it.]
e hairh; s. her gold. A
airhey; a. d. golden, of gold.
airh-hallooin; s. m. yarrow, millfoil.
airhit; gilded; 85.
moddey airh; s. m. a mock sun.
earroo-airhey; s. m. the golden number.
aitt; a. odd, antic, queer, comical, funny, ridiculous, sportive, &c.
s’aaitt or s’aitt; a. how antic, odd, funny, comical, or ridiculous. A
s’aitt; See s’aaitt.
s’aaittey; a. id., comp. and sup. A
aittys; s. f. anticness, fun, &c.
e haittys; s. her, &c. See aittys. A
aker; s. f. an anchor; pl. –yn. Acts xxvii. 29: Eisht er-aggle dy roieagh ad er creggyn, hilg ad kiare akeryn magh veih yn jerrey, dy jeean jeeaghyn son y laa. Then fearing lest we should have fallen upon rocks, they cast four anchors out of the stern, and wished for the day.
aker; v. -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
akerit; anchored; 85.
-al; See 79.
Albin; s. m. Scotland, Albion.
Nalbin or Nolbin; s. Scotland, Caledonia. Some say that this word is from N’alpin, on account of the great Alpine mountains therein, and others that it is from Albion.
Albinagh; s. m. a Scotchman; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee]; a. Scotch.
sy n’Albinagh; s. in the Scotchman. A
aless; in. alas.
Alister; s. m. Alexander.
almoragh; s. m. an ignoramus; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
almoragh<t>; a. ignorant, inadvertent, unlearned, stupid.
s’almoragh; a. how ignorant A
s’almoree; a. id., comp. and sup. A
almorys; s. m. ignorance.
e holmorys; s. her ignorance. O (sic)
alt; s. f. a high place, altitude.
altar; s. m. an altar; pl. -yn.
am; a. bad, vile.
amglass or amvlass; s. m. a drink made by mixing milk and water together, pale watery drink, or bad tasted drink, acid water.
amm; s. m. stature, size, puberty.
ammyr; s. f. a canal, or channel of water; pl. -yn.
ammys; s. m. obeisance; 1 Kings, i. 16: As chroym Bath-sheba sheese ayns ammys da’n ree. And Bathsheba bowed, and did obeisance unto the king; homage, reverence, dutifulness.
e hammys; s. her obeisance. A
mee-ammys; s. m. disrespect, irreverence.
ammyssagh; a. obeisant, submissive, dutiful; s. duteous person; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
s’ammyssagh; a. how dutiful, submissive, or obedient. A
s’ammyssee; a. id., comp. and sup. A
mee-ammysagh; a. disrespectful; s. m. an irreverent person; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
neu-ammyssagh; a. undutiful<ness>; s. m. an undutiful person; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
ammyssit; pt. worshipped, having obeisance paid to; 85.
amylt; v. swim; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
gamylt; v. swimming, and perhaps a better word than snaue, which we make use of. A
amyltagh; s. m. a swimmer; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
-an; s. as a termination to words, shows diminution.
an-; when used as a prefix in composition, signifies un-, (English).
anchasherick; a. unholy, unsanctified, profane, wicked, impious.
s’anchasherick; a. how unholy, unsanctified or profane. A
s’anchasherickey; a. id., comp. and sup. A
anchasherickys; s. unholiness, impiety, profaneness, wickedness.
anchasley; a. unlike, different.
s’anchasley; a. how different, how unlike; comp. and sup. A
anchaslys; s. m. difference; pl. -yn.
anchassanagh; a. trackless.
anchiart; a. uneven, unequal.
s’anchiart; a. how uneven. A
s’anchiartey; a. id., comp. and sup. A
anchoodee; v. uncover, disclose.
dy anchoodaghey; v. to uncover, to develop.
anchooie; a. unfit, unqualified.
anchredjuagh; s. m. an unbeliever; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
anchreestee; s. m. a heathen, infidel, pagan.
anchreestiagh; s. m. heathenism, infidelity.
anfirrinnys; s. m. untruth; pl. -yn.
anghennal; a. cheerless, sad.
anghennallys; s. m. infestivity.
anghiarey-çhymmylt; s. m. uncircumcision.
anghiarit; uncut, unhewn; 85.
anghoo; s. m. ill fame, infamy, disgrace.
anghooagh; a. infamous, disgraceful.
anjee; s. m. an atheist.
anjeeagh; a. atheistical.
anjeeragh; a. not straight. Notwithstanding the etymology given under the word oainjyr, I hesitate not to say that oainjyragh came from this.
anlaadit; unloaded; disburdened; 85.
anleigh; s. m. partiality in law.
anleighagh; a. contrary to law.
anlheil or anlheiltys; s. m. unable to move about, imbecility, helplessness.
anlheiltagh; s. m. a person unable to move or help himself; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
anlout; v. unloft; -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -ey, 82; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -it, 85; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
anlught; v. unload;
anlughtit; 85; unladen.
anoayltagh (sic); a. unaccustomed. See also neu-.
anoayllagh; a.
s’anoayllagh; a. how unaccustomed. A
s’anoayllee; a. id., comp. and sup. A
anshickyr; a. unsteady, unsure, inconstant, wavering. See also neuhickyr.
anvea (sic: stress); s. m. discord, division; Luke xii. 51: Vel shiu smooinaghtyn dy daink mish dy chur shee er y thalloo? Cha nee, ta mee gra riu, agh anvea. Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division; strife, perplexity, disquietude, uneasiness.
e hanvea; s. her discord or strife. A
anveagh; a. discordant, troublesome.
s’anveagh; a. how discordant, &c. A
s’anveaee; a. id., comp. and sup. A
anvennick; a[dv]. seldom, not often.
s’anvennick; a[dv]. how seldom. A
s’anvenkey; a[dv]. id., comp. and sup. A
anvio; a. inanimate.
s’anvio; a. how inanimate; comp. and sup. A
anvroie; a. parboiled.
andrailagh; a.
Quaiyl Andrailagh; a. See Quaiyl Ardreiltagh.
Andreays; a. d. of Andrew.
angaaish; s. m. anguish, pain; pl. -yn.
angaaishagh; a. painful, afflicted, tortured with anguish; s. m. a person afflicted with pain; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
s’angaaishagh; a. how much in anguish. A
s’angaaishee; a. id., comp. and sup. A
angaaishit; afflicted, pained; 85.
s’angaaishit; a. how anguished. A
anjeal or anjeeal; s. m. breakfast, a handsel [OED: A gift (in later use esp. a small sum of money) given to ensure good luck at the beginning of a new year, on starting a new job, wearing new clothes, etc.].
anmagh; a. derived from anmoghey; late, not early.
s’anmagh; a. how late. A
s’anmee; a. id., comp. and sup. A
anmys; s. m. lateness; Jud. xix. 9: Cur-my-ner, te nish lesh yn astyr; ta mee guee ort fuirree fud-ny-hoie: t’ou fakin dy vel eh lesh yn anmys; gow aaght ayns shoh, dy vod dty chree ve gennal, as moghrey mairagh gow-jee er nyn yurnah, dy vod oo goll thie. Behold, now the day draweth toward evening, I pray you tarry all night: behold, the day groweth to an end, lodge here, that thine heart may be merry; and to morrow get you early on your way, that thou mayest go home.
anney; s. f. (sounded ahney), commandment.
annaghyn; s. pl. commandments.
annoon (sic: stress); a. weak, feeble, imbecile.
s’annoon; a. how weak or feeble. A
s’annooney; a. id., comp. and sup. A
gannooinagh or gannooinaghey;
v. weakening,
enfeebling; Mark viii. 3:
As my ver-ym ad ersooyl nyn drostey gys nyn dhieyn hene, nee ad gannooinaghey
er y raad. And if I send them away
fasting to their own houses, they will faint by the way; debilitate, 61.
dy gannooinee ad; [v]. that they weaken, or grow weak; Matt. xv. 32: …as cha der-ym ad ersooyl nyn drostey, er aggle dy gannooinee ad er y raad. …and I will not send them away fasting, lest they faint in the way. A
gannooinys; v. shall or will weaken or grow weak. A
annoonagh; s. m. a weak one; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
annooney; s. m. weakness; pl. 67 [change -ey to -aghyn].
annoonid; s. m. frailty; pl. -yn.
e hannoonid; s. her weakness. A
annym; s. m. soul; Heb. Anaph.
e hannym; s. her soul. A
anmeenyn; s. pl. or anmeeyn, souls.
anmey; a. d. of the soul or souls.
ny hanmey; a. d. of the soul. A
bochilley-anmey; s. m. a pastor.
noid-ny-hanmey; s. m. the enemy of souls.
ansoor (sic: stress); s. m. answer, verdict, award; pl. -yn.
e hansoor; s. her answer. A
ansoor; v. -agh, 77; -ee, 80; -eyder; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
cha n’ansoor; v. not answer or reply; -agh; -ee; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms, 94. A
dansoor; v. answered or replied. A
gansoor; v. answering, replying, doing what is bid. A
ansoorit; answered, solved; 85.
appee; a. ripe, mature, mellow.
s’appee; a. how ripe or mature; comp. & sup. A
neu-appee; a. immature, unripe.
appeeid or appeeys; s. m. ripeness.
appaghey; v. ripening, maturing.
ard; s. m. coast, or point of the compass, region, side; Job xviii. 11: Bee aggle atchimagh er veih dy chooilley ard, as cur er goaill gys e voynyn. Terrors shall make him afraid on every side, and shall drive him to his feet.
ardjyn; s. pl. coasts, regions.
e hardjyn; s. her coasts. A
sy n’ard; s. in the coast or point of the compass. A
ard; a. high, chief, great, loud, lofty, arch-, tall.
co-ard; s. as high, of the same height.
ardey; a. pl. high; as, ynnydyn ardey (high places).
s’ard; a. how high or lofty. A
syrjey; a. higher, highest, comp. and sup. of ard.
byrjey or by-syrjey; adv. highest; Luke xiv. 7: As loayr eh coraa-dorraghey rish ny goaldee, tra hug eh tastey kys v’ad reih ny stuill byrjey; gra roo, And he put forth a parable to those which were bidden, when he marked how they chose out the chief rooms; saying unto them; and Psl. lxxviii. 52: As woaill eh ooilley yn chied v’er nyn ruggey ayns Egypt: yn vooinjer b’yrjey as by-niartal ayns cummallyn Ham. And smote all the firstborn in Egypt: the most principal and mightiest in the dwellings of Ham.
ardys; s. m. highness; pl. -yn.
ardys-reeoil; royal highness.
kione-ardys; s.
e chione-ardys; s. his haughtiness; Pro. xxv. 27: Cha vel eh follan dy ee rouyr mill; myr shen cha vel eh son goo dooinney, dy ve geiyrt dy gyere er e chione-ardys hene. It is not good to eat much honey: so for men to search their own glory is not glory. K
yrj or yrjee; v. make higher, exalt; -agh; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms; -ys. A
dy yrjaghey; v. to exalt; Isaiah xxxiii. 5: Ta'n Chiarn er ny yrjaghey; son t'eh cummal ayns yn yrjid. The Lord is exalted; for he dwelleth on high. A
yn yrjey; s. the height. A
yn yrjid; s. the height or highness. A
ardid or ardjid; See yrjid.
ard-aignagh; a. arrogant, high minded.
ard-ainle; s. m. archangel; pl. -yn.
ard-aspick; s. m. archbishop; pl. -yn.
ard-ayraghyn; s. pl. principal fathers, chief fathers; I Chron. xxiv. 31: Hayrn ad shoh lottyn myrgeddin myr ren nyn mraaraghyn mec Aaron, fenish Ghavid y ree, as Zadok, as Ahimelech, as ard-gheiney ayraghyn ny saggyrtyn as ny Leviteyn, eer ny ard-ayraghyn myr ren nyn mraaraghyn saa. These likewise cast lots over against their brethren the sons of Aaron in the presence of David the king, and Zadok, and Ahimelech, and the chief of the fathers of the priests and Levites, even the principal fathers over against their younger brethren.; Neh. vii. 71: As hug paart jeh ny ard-ayraghyn, gys stoyr yn obbyr, feed thousane peesh dy airh. And some of the chief of the fathers gave to the treasure of the work twenty thousand drams of gold.
ard-chiarail or ard-chiarailys; s. f. the providence of God, foresight displayed in taking measures before hand; pl. -yn; -syn.
ard-chione; s. m. superior.
ard-chioneys; s. m. superiority.
ard-choraa; s. m. loud voice; pl. -yn.
ard-chreeagh; a. haughty, highminded.
s’ard-chreeagh; a. how haughty. A
ard-er; s. m. a chief; 1 Chron. xxvi. 10: Va ec Hosah, jeh cloan Merari, mec; Simri yn ard-er, (son ga nagh row eh yn mac shinney, ny-yeih ren e ayr eh yn ard-er). Also Hosah, of the children of Merari, had sons; Simri the chief, (for though he was not the firstborn, yet his father made him the chief).
ard-fer-reill; s. m. a supreme; 1 Pet. ii. 1[3]: Jean-jee shiu hene y injillaghey gys dy chooilley leigh er ny oardaghey liorish deiney er graih yn Chiarn; edyr eh ve gys y ree, myr yn ard-fer-reill. Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lords sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme.
ard-ghennallys; s. m. great gladness.
ard-ghoo; s. m. fame; Num. xvi. 2: As hass ad seose noi Moses, marish shiartanse dy chloan Israel, daa cheead as jeih as da-eed prince jeh’n cheshaght, jeh ard ghoo mastey’n pobble, deiney ooasle. And they rose up before Moses, with certain of the children of Israel, two hundred and fifty princes of the assembly, famous in the congregation, men of renown.
ard-ghooagh; a. famous, reputable.
ard-ghooinney; s. m. a great man.
ard-gheiney; s. pl. great men, men high in power or authority.
ard-jaghin; s. m. an Archdeacon; pl. -yn.
ard-laa; s. m. a high day; John xix. 31: Shen-y-fa son dy nee laa yn aarlaghey ve, as nagh beagh ny kirp er y chrosh er laa yn doonaght (son va’n doonaght shen ny ard-laa) ghuee ny Hewnyn er Pilate, ny lurgaghyn oc dy ve brisht, as ad dy ve goit ersooyl. The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day), besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.
ard-leeideilagh; s. m. a captain; Josh. v. 14: As dooyrt eshyn, Cha nee nyn ’oï; agh myr ard-leeideilagh sheshaght caggee yn Chiarn ta mish er jeet. And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the Lord am I now come.
ard-loght; s. m. felony, capital offence; pl. -yn.
ard-loghtagh; s. m. a felon; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
ard-loghtal; a. felonious.
dy ard-loghtal; adv. feloniously.
ard-losserey; s. m. ground-ivy, alehoof;
ard-losserey-firryn; the herb archangel.
ard-marragh; s. m. an admiral; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
ard-nieu; s. m. a serpent; pl. -yn.
bossan-ardnieu; s. f. bistort, snakeweed.
ard-nieuagh; a. very venomous.
ard-obbree; s. m. an architect; pl. -yn.
ard-ooasley; s. m. adoration; pl. 67 [change -ey to -aghyn].
ard-reill or ard-reiltys; s. m. principality, chief rule, monarchy; pl. -yn.
ard-reiltagh; s. m. a monarch; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
Quaiyl-Ardreiltagh; s. m. the chancery court. This has no doubt been corrupted to what you hear Quaiyl-Andrailagh; some say the latter is from Quaiyl-wandrailagh (the wandering court), but I prefer the first.
ard-saggyrt; s. m. high priest; pl. -yn.
ard-soiaghey; s. m. acceptance.
ard-stroialtagh; s. m. a great waster; Prov. xviii. 9: Eshyn neesht ta liastey ayns e obbyr eeh ny vraar da’n ard stroialtagh. He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster.
ard-sym; s. m. the principal; pl. -yn.
ard-valley; s. m. a city; pl. 70 [ard-valjyn].
e hard-valley; s. her city. A
ard-vollaght; s. m. an execration; Jer. xlii. 18: …as bee shiu son ard-vollaght, as son atchim, as son mollaght-mynney, as son oltooan, as cha vaik shiu yn ynnyd shoh arragh. …and ye shall be an execration, and an astonishment, and a curse, and a reproach; and ye shall see this place no more.
ard-vooaralagh; a. imperious; Ezek. xvi. 30: Cre cha faase ta dty chree, ta’n Chiarn Jee dy ghra, fakin dy vel oo cur-rish ooilley ny reddyn shoh, obbyr ben-streebee ard-vooaralagh! How weak is thine heart, saith the Lord God, seeing thou doest all these things, the work of an imperious whorish woman.
dy ard-voylley; v. to magnify, to extol.
ard-vriw; s. m. chancellor; Ezra iv. 17: Eisht hug y ree ansoor gys Rehum yn ard-vriw… Then sent the king an answer unto Rehum the chancellor….
ard-vyghin; s. m. great mercy; pl. -yn.
ard-wannalagh; a. stiff-necked.
ard-wooinjer; s. m. principal ones.
arg; s. f. ark; pl. -yn.
argane; s. m. dispute, contest, controversy.
e hargane; s. her dispute or contest. A
arganagh; s. m. a disputer, an arguer; a. disputative, cavelling, contentious.
s’arganagh; a. how disputative, &c. A
s’arganee; a. id., comp. and sup. A
argane; v.
cha n’argane; v. not argue or dispute; -agh; -e; -in; -ins, 94. A
dy arganey; v. to dispute, argue; questioning, Mark ix. 14: As tra v’eh er jeet gys e ostyllyn honnick eh chaglym mooar dy leih my geayrt-y-moo, as ny scrudeyryn arganey roo. And when he came to his disciples, he saw a great multitude about them, and the scribes questioning with them.
er n’arganey; v. [116]. hath, &c. argued, &c. A
arganys; s. disputation, contention.
argid; s. m. silver, money; pl. -yn.
argid-bio; s. m. quicksilver, mercury.
argid-laue; s. m. ready money, cash.
argid-ruy; s. m. copper money, pence.
bossan-argid; s. m. tansy, silverweed.
duillag-argid; s. f. silver weed, tansy.
argidagh; a. having plenty of money.
ark; s. f. a farrow; a young pig. Gow ark jeh dty vuck hene. [Take the young from thy own pig.]
irk; s. pl. young pigs; the pl. of ark.
arkagh; a. d. of breeding young pigs, as a sow.
yn vuck-arkagh; s. the sow. M
ark-vuickey; s. f. a young pig.
muck-arkagh; s.
arkan-sonney; s. a hedge hog, or a fabulous creature ominous of plenty; a fat little pig.
arkyn; s. f. a beast’s privity [OED: the genitals].
arkys; s. m. adversity, calamity, misfortune, misery, disaster, distress; pl. -syn.
sy n’arkys; s. [in] the adversity, calamity. A
arkyssagh; a. calamitous, disasterous, distressing; s. m. a person in distressed circumstances; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
s’arkyssagh; a. how calamitous, disastrous, adverse, or irksome. A
s’arkyssee; a. id., comp. and sup. A
armee; s. f. army; pl. -yn.
armyn; s. pl. arms.
armeyder; or armyder, s. m. an armourer, or armour bearer; 1 Sam. xiv. 13: As ren Jonathan drappal seose er e laueyn as er e chassyn, as e armyder ny yeï as v’ad er nyn yiarey sheese roish Jonathan, as varr yn armyder geiyrt er. And Jonathan climbed up upon his hands and upon his feet, and his armourbearer after him: and they fell before Jonathan; and his armourbearer slew after him.
s. f. sloe; pl. -yn. See drineyn.
drine arn, (the sloe thorn).
arnane; s. m. work done in the night by candle light. The Irish have this word for task.
arpin; s. m. an apron; pl. -yn. I have written this word as it is spoken.
arpin; s. m. the herb orpine; pl. -yn.
arr; v. offer; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -it, 85; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
cha n’arr* or n’arree; v. not offer; -agh; -in; -ins, 94. A
garral; v. 61. offering to give, proffering. A
dy arral; v. to offer, or press on.
er n’arral; v. hath, &c. offered or proffered. A
arrit; 85; offered; Prov. “Cha row rieau cooid arrit mie.” [Offered goods were never good.]
arr; v. shift, remove, flit; -aghey, 82, to shift, &c.; -ee, remove; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -it, 85; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
cha n’arr* or n’arree; v. not shift; -agh; -in; -ins, 94. A
darree; v. shifted or did shift, remove or did remove or shift, is used for darr (last). A
garragh or garraghey; v. 61. shifting, moving out of one place to another. A
er n’arragh or n’arraghey; pt. hath, &c. shifted. A
arrit; pt.
arragh; a. any more, no more.
arragh; s. f. the spring, or vernal quarter.
sy n’arragh; s. [in] the spring. A
arree; a. d. of spring.
cormid-traa-arree; s. m. the spring or vernal equinox.
arran; s. m. bread; pl. -yn.
arrane; s. m. a song, a hymn; pl. -yn.
arraneagh; s. m. a singer; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee]; 2 Chron. xxxv. 15: As Chenaniah, va’n ard arraneagh jeh ny Leviteyn: mainshtyr-ynsee ny arraneyn-moyllee, son v’eh schleioil. And Chenaniah, chief of the Levites, was for song: he instructed about the song, because he was skilful.
arraneyder; s. m. a songster; pl. -yn.
arraneys; s. m. singing.
arrey; s. m. a watch.
arrey-traa; a watch, a time-piece.
arreydagh; a. watchful.
s’arreydagh; a. how watchful. A
s’arreydee; a. id., comp. and sup. A
arreyder; s. m. a watchman; pl. -yn.
arrey; s. m. Eccl. xii. 6, a cistern, a mill-race: Roish my vees yn coyrd argid er ny eaysley, ny’n saagh airh er ny vrishey, ny’n cruishtin brisht ec y chibbyr, ny’n whueeyl brisht ec yn arrey. Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. See area; pl. 67 [change -ey to -aghyn].
area or arey; s. m. a mill-race, a passage for water to a mill.
arrish; v.
garrish; v. jeering, mimicking, mocking.
er n’arrish; v. hath, &c. jeered, mimicked. G (sic)
arroo; s. m. corn; pl. -yn.
e harroo; s. her corn. A
mwyllin arroo; s. f. a corn mill.
arroo-y-riyr; s. f. the night before last. This word may be a corruption of Earroo, number, the night that numbered before last night.
arroogh; s. f. the chimb of a barrel, or tub, &c. pl. -yn.
arryltagh; a. willing, voluntary, without any degree of reluctance, free; Rom. v. 15, free, spontaneous: Agh cha nee myr ta’n loght, myr shen neesht ta’n gioot arryltagh. But not as the offence, so also is the free gift; s. m. a volunteer; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
s’arryltagh; a. how willing or inclined for. A
s’arryltee; a. id., comp. and sup. A
neu-arryltagh; a. unwilling, involuntary.
arryltys; s. m. compliance, willingness, readiness.
neu-arryltys; s. f. unwillingness, reluctance.
arrym; s. m. reverence, submission, honour, respect, obedience, solemnity.
arrymagh; a. reverential, submissive, dutiful, obedient, solemn.
arrymid; s. m. submissiveness, &c.
arrymydagh; s. m. one that pays respect.
s’arrymagh; a. how reverential, how much for giving due respect. A
s’arrymee; a. id., comp. and sup. A
arrymyder; s. m. one to whom respect is due, an esquire.
arrys; s. m. repentance, penitence, sorrow for sin.
mee-arrys; s. m. impenitence.
e vee-arrys; s. his impenitence. M
arryssagh; a. sorrowful, sorry, penitent, penitential; s. m. a penitent person; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
s’arryssagh; a. [how] sorry or sorrowful, how repentant or penitential. A
s’arryssee; a. id., comp. and sup. A
mee-arrysagh; a. impenitent; s. m. an impenitent person; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
yn vee-arrysagh; s. the impenitent one. M
as; conj. and.
as-haink eh gy-kione; and it came to pass, or to an end.
as ad; c. p. and they, and said they, or and they said.
as adsyn; c. p. and they said; em.
as-eshyn; c. p. and he said, or said he.
asbyrt; s. f. vespers, evening prayers pl. -yn
er-ash; adv. to appear after being hid, hidden or concealed; to become damp, as such things as have salt in them, will in moist weather; in Ez. xvii. 9, it means, prosper: Abbyr uss, Myr shoh ta’n Chiarn Jee dy ghra, Jig eh er-ash? Say thou, Thus saith the Lord God; Shall it prosper?
ashlish; s. f. a vision dream, or revelation; pl. -yn.
dy ashlaghey; v. to show by vision.
ashleyder; s. m. a dreamer, a person who sees visions, 2 Chron. xxix. 30: Marish shoh doardee ree Hezekiah, as ny princeyn da ny Leviteyn dy ghoaill arraneyn-moyllee da’n Chiarn, lesh goan Ghavid, as Asaph yn ashleyder. Moreover Hezekiah the king and the princes commanded the Levites to sing praise unto the Lord with the words of David, and of Asaph the seer; one who has something revealed to him in sleep; 2 Chron. xx[x]ii[i]. 19: E phadjer myrgeddin, as kys va myghin ec Jee er, as ooilley e pheccah, as e loght, as ny ard-ynnydyn hrog eh, as ny keylljyn, as ny jallooyn grainnit v'echey roish e arrys: cur-my-ner t'ad scruit mastey raaghyn ny ashleyderyn. His prayer also, and how God was intreated of him, and all his sins, and his trespass, and the places wherein he built high places, and set up groves and graven images, before he was humbled: behold, they are written among the sayings of the seers. pl. -yn.
ashoon; s. f. a nation; pl. -yn.
e hashoon; s. her nation.
ashoonagh; s. m. a gentile, an individual of a nation; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee]. A
ny hashoonee; s. the nations, the people of nations. A
askaid; s. f. a bile [OED: a boil]; pl. -yn.
asney; s. f. a rib; pl. 67 [change -ey to -aghyn].
aspick; s. m. a bishop; pl. -yn.
aspickagh; a. d. belonging to a bishop; episcopal.
ard-aspick; s. m. archbishop; pl. -yn.
aspickys; s. m. bishoprick; Acts, i. 20: Son te scruit ayns lioar ny psalmyn, Lhig da’n ynnyd-vaghee echey ve follym faase, as ny lhig da dooinney erbee cummal ayn: as, Yn aspickys echey lhig da fer elley y ghoaill. For it is written in the book of Psalms, Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein: and his bishoprick let another take.
ass; adv. out; out of him, empty, in opposition to ayn (in).
ass-yn; adv. p. out of him, the emphatic of ass.
ass-hene; adv. p. out of himself, or itself.
ass-jee; adv. p. out of her; -ish; id. em.
ass-jee-hene; adv. p. out of herself.
ass-daue; adv. See ass-doo.
ass-doo; adv. p. out of them or those.
ass-doo-hene; adv. p. out of themselves.
ass-doo-syn; adv. p. out of them; em.
assym; adv. p. out of me; -s, id. em. assym-pene, adv. p. out of myself. The h in hene changes to p after an m.
ass-dooin; adv. p. out of us.
ass-dooinyn; adv. p. out of us; em.
ass-dhyt; See assyd.
ass-yd; adv. p. out of thee; -s, id. em.
assyd-hene; adv. p. out of thyself.
ass-diu; p. p. out of you; -ish; id. em.
ass-diu-hene; adv. p. out of yourselves.
ass-bree; a. faint, null, void.
as-dty-aash or as-aash; in. with ease, not quick, slowly.
ass-fenish; or assenish, a. not present, absent.
ass-laanid; s. m. pravity, not in a perfect state.
ass-laue; adv. p. without delay, quickly.
ass-shilley; adv. out of sight. Prov. “Ass shilley ass smooinaghtyn.” [Out of sight, out of mind.]
ass-towse; adv. out of measure, exceedingly, beyond everything.
ass-ymmyd; a. out of use, obsolete.
ass-ynnyd; adv. out of place, out of joint.
ass-y-noa; adv. anew, over again.
assag; s. f. a weasel; pl. -yn.
assee; s. m. hurt, harm, damage; pl. -yn.
e hassee; s. her hurt or harm. A
ass-laynt; s. f. out of health, sickness, disease, illness, disorder; pl. -yn.
e hasslaynt; s. her illness. A
ass-layntagh; a. diseased, ill, sick, unhealthy; s. m. a diseased person; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee]; Mat. iv. 24: As hie goo jeh magh trooid ooilley Syria: as hug ad lhieu huggey ooilley ny aslayntee, fo doghanyn as pianyn, adsyn va seaghnit lesh drogh-spyrrydyn, sleih ass nyn geeayl, as an-lheiltee, as ren eh ad y lheihys. And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them.
ass-tayrn; s. f. a rush candle case.
asstin or asstan; a. This word maybe from ass-fakin (out of sight); eaddagh-asstan would then be linings; çheu-asstan, the side out of sight.
assyl; s. f. an ass; pl. -yn.
e hassyl; s. her ass. A
astan; s. f. a conger, an eel; pl. -yn.
e hastan; s. her conger or eel. A
coar-ny-hastan; s. f. a crane; pl. -yn.
astyr; v. destroy out of the roots; -agh, 77; -al, 79; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys, 88.
dastyr; v. did extirpate or root out. A
gastr or gastyr; v. 61. root out, extirpate; -agh; -ee; -in; -ins; -yn; -yms; -ys, 94. A
gastral or gastyrt; v. 61. rooting out, extirpating. A
dy astyrt or astyral; v. to root out or extirpate.
gastyrit; 85. 61. rooted out, extirpated. A
atçhim; s. m. dread, awe, terror, horror, fright; pl. -yn.
atçhimagh; a. awful, dreadful; pl. 71 [change -agh to -ee].
s’atçhimagh; a. how awful, dreadful, dismal, terrible, &c. A
s’atçhimee; a. id., comp. and sup. A
atçhimid; s. m. awfulness, &c.
neu-atçhimid; s. m. unawedness.
atçhimit; 85. awed, dismayed; Jer. xvii. 18: Lhig dauesyn ve craghit ta jannoo tranlaase orrym, agh ny lhig dauesyn mish y chraghey; lhig dauesyn ve atchimit, agh ny lhig dooys ve atchimit. Let them be confounded that persecute me, but let not me be confounded: let them be dismayed, but let not me be dismayed.
s’atçhimit; a. how awed, how dreaded. A
neu-atçhimit; a. unawed.
att; s. m. a swelling an inflammation, an abscess; pl. -yn.
att; v. swell, -agh; 77; -ee, 80; -in, 83; -ins, 84; -ym, 86; -yms, 87; -ys. 88.
cha n’att; v. not swell; -agh; -ee; -in; -ins; -ym; -yms, 94. A
datt; v. did swell, swelled,
dhatt or datt; v. did swell or swelled. A
gatt; v. 61. swelling.
attit; 85. swelled, swollen.
attey; s. [chapiter = capital of a column]
atteeyn; s. pl. chapiters.
skynn-attey; s. f. a dagger; Jud. iii. 16, 21: Agh hug Ehud lesh skynn-attey (dy ghaa foyr), cubit er lhiurid; as chiangle eh eh fo e eaddagh er e heu yesh. But Ehud made him a dagger which had two edges, of a cubit length; and he did gird it under his raiment upon his right thigh; As hug Ehud magh e laue chiare, as ghow eh yn skynn-attey veih e lheayst yesh, as roie eh stiagh eh ’sy volg echey. And Ehud put forth his left hand, and took the dagger from his right thigh, and thrust it into his belly.
attey; s. m. a crown; pl. 67 [change -ey to -aghyn].
atteeyn; s. pl. crowns.
aundyr; s. f. a prize, something valuable.
aunlyn; s. m. relish or moisture that is taken with bread, potatoes, &c. Dr. A Clarke’s note on John vi. 9, is quite applicable to this word; opsarion, the Greek word, he says “signifies what is eaten with bread to perfect the meal, or to make it easy of deglutition, or to help the digestion. There is no word in the English language for it, which is a great defect. The inhabitants of Scotland and of the north & north west of Ireland use the word kytshen, [so do the inhabitants of this island] by which they express whatever is eaten with bread or potatoes, flesh, fish, butter, milk, eggs, &c.” Does it originate in our language from ooylyn? as arran as ooylyn (bread and apples).
oanlyn or oalyn; Though the former of these may, perhaps, be the best orthography, yet see aunlyn.
aw; (pronounced aoo), <v.>[a.] raw, not boiled.
s’aw; a. how raw. A
s’awey; a. id., comp. and sup. A
awid; s. m. rawness; 89.
awane; a. base immodest, unchaste, obscene.
s’awane; a. how base, rude, or immodest. A
awaneagh; s. m. a rude, raw, uncivilized, uneducated person.
awatta; in. ho, brave! Obsolete.
ouwatta; in. ho, brave! Obsolete.
awin; s. f. a river; pl. -yn.
e hawin; s. her river. A
ny hawin; a. d. of the river. A
awiney; a. d. of a river or rivers.
cabbag-ny-hawin; s. f. colt’s-foot, cough-wort, hart’s-hoof.
muck-awin; s. f. a bear.
awnse; s. f. an ounce; pl. -yn.
awnssal; s. m. a steelyard; pl. -yn.
awree; s. f. water in which anything has been boiled; broth; pl. -yn.
ayn; pro. in, within, in him.
aynsyn; p. p. in him, em.
ayn-jee; p. p. in her; -ish, id. em.
ayn-jee-hene; p. p. in herself.
ayn-doo; p. p. in them; -syn, id. em.
ayndaue (sic: stress); p. p. in those; -syn, id. em.
ayn-ym; p. p. in me; -s, id. em.
ayn-ym-pene; p. p. in myself.
ayn-in; p. p. in us; -yn, id. em.
ayn-in-hene; p. p. in ourselves.
ayn-dooin; p. p. in us; -in, id. em.
ayn-dooin-hene; p. p. in ourselves.
ayn-yd; p. p. in thee; -s, id. em.
ayn-yd-hene; p. p. in thyself.
ayndiu; p. p. in you or ye; -ish, id. em.
ayn-diu-hene; p. p. [in] yourselves.
ayns; pre. in, within; em.
ayns-polt; adv. in an instant, in as short a time as a blow could be given.
ayns-shen; adv. there.
ayns-shid; adv. yonder.
ayns-shoh; adv. here, in this place.
ayns-traa; adv. in time, timely.
ayns-wheesh; conj. inasmuch, insomuch.
sy; pre. & art. in the, an abbreviation of ayns y, the two last letters used before consonants.
syn; pre. & art. in the; an abbreviation of ayns yn, the three last letters used before words initialled by vowels.
ayndagh; s. m. an index; pl. -yn.
ayr; s. m. father; pl. -aghyn.
e hayr; s. her father; pl. -aghyn. A
ayrey; a. d. of or belonging to father.
e hayrey; a. d. of her father or fathers. A
liass ayr; s. m. a step father. [...] seldom used.
ard-ayraghyn; s. pl. principal fathers, chief fathers; 1 Chron. xxiv. 31: Hayrn ad shoh lottyn myrgeddin myr ren nyn mraaraghyn mec Aaron, fenish Ghavid y ree, as Zadok, as Ahimelech, as ard-gheiney ayraghyn ny saggyrtyn as ny Leviteyn, eer ny ard-ayraghyn myr ren nyn mraaraghyn saa. These likewise cast lots over against their brethren the sons of Aaron in the presence of David the king, and Zadok, and Ahimelech, and the chief of the fathers of the priests and Levites, even the principal fathers over against their younger brethren; Neh. vii. 71: As hug paart jeh ny ard-ayraghyn, gys stoyr yn obbyr, feed thousane peesh dy airh, as daa housane as daa cheead punt dy argid. And some of the chief of the fathers gave to the treasure of the work twenty thousand drams of gold, and two thousand and two hundred pound of silver.
shenn-ayr; s. m. fore-father, progenitor.
shaner; s. m. grandfather; dty henn shaner (thy great grand father).
ayroil; a. fatherly, paternal.
ayrn; s. m. part, share, portion; pl. -yn.
e hayrn; s. her share; pl. -yn. A
co-ayrnagh; s. m. a partaker; Rom. xv. 27: Son my ta ny Ashoonee er ny ve jeant co-ayrnee jeh ny nheeghyn spyrrydoil ocsyn, yn currym oc eh myrgeddin dy hirveish orroosyn ayns nheeghyn seihltagh. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal things.